European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop
2 -
6 August 2018
Askim, Norway
― Objectives
― Registration
Oslo Area
Bat Fauna
Post-Workshop Expedition
The European Alpine Bat Detector
was first organized in Trenta (Slovenia) during 2012, followed by the second in
Vercors (France) in 2015. Thus, this years workshop is the beginning of a new tradition, with the
third of its kind.
Nordic Chiroptera Information Center (NIFF) organized
the 3rd European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop, which was held in
(South-Eastern Norway), only 55 km
from downtown Oslo and 37 km from the Swedish border.
The aim of the workshop was
to get field training in practical bat work, especially the use of various
models of both passive and active bat detectors. Organizers were Leif Gjerde and
Arnold Andreasson.
Successful workshop finished
We thank everyone who participated in
Askim, and the people who participated in the bat call reference library
collection trip afterwards.
The results from the workshop will eventually be
available electronically (pictures, presentations and bat call recordings),
while the Proceedings will include the articles describing the talks, activities
and results from the workshop.
I am sure everyone will enjoy their knowledge and
experience from the workshop, and the stay became a platform for future work and
Hope you will join us at the 4th European
Alpine Bat Detector Workshop in September 2021.
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Click here

The photo gallery will be available soon.

The participants.
The information below was
pre-workshop information. This web page will not be updated anymore.
Lectures & Workshops
The main activity will be located at Askim
Speiderhus (Scout House) near the centre of Askim . The address is
Lectures, workshops, brakes and lunches (snacks) will be located here. So this
will be
our location all
day. This will also be the starting and ending point for the evening trips as
- Lecture/dining room for 45 people
- Living room with fire place (20
- 4 seminar rooms (5-8 people each)
- Good internet connections included
Fully equipped kitchen with large
refrigerated volume
Web-page only available in Norwegian.

The Scout House in Askim.
Accommodations & Food
It is possible to find your own accommodation. However, our offers below are
very reasonable.
Smaalenenes Hotel
Lies near the centre of Askim (Address: Vammaveien 25)
just 1.5 km from the Scout House. This will be the main accommodation and we
have got Youth Hostel prices for shared rooms. They have 6 rooms with 3 or more
beds. Same sex rooms. They have 31 rooms in all, and offer also double or single
rooms. Breakfast is included. They have free parking and internet.
- Shared room (3 people or more same sex). NOK
375,-/person pr. night
- Double room (2 people). NOK 575,-/person pr. night.
- Single room. NOK 950,-/night
Breakfast included. No sheets or sleeping bags
Olberg Camping
Located 20.7 km from the Scout house and takes 25 minutes to drive. Address:
Sandsveien 4, Trøgstad. We have reserved cabins with cooking
possibilities. This is good for families, pairs or groups who wish to spend some
time together. Nice surrounding, and known for high densities of moose. They also
offer moose safaris with money back guarantee!
This is the cheapest solution if you share a
cabin. But breakfast is not included. Refrigerator and cooking possibilities in
each cabin. Toilet and showers typical for camping site (separate building).
They have 5 cabins for rent. Two
cabins with 4 beds (NOK 510,-/cabin), two cabins with 5 beds (NOK 615,-/cabin)
and one cabin with 6 beds (NOK 670,-/cabin).
They also offer moose safari with money
back guarantee!
Breakfast included in Smaalenenes Hotel. Not included at camping site.
Lunch, simple snack (fruit, cookies etc.) at the scout house. (Included in
registration fee)
Dinner (warm meal) at hotel for all (including non-residents). Price: NOK 600,-
for 4 days.
NB! Do not book directly from hotel/camping
above. All bookings should be made directly to workshop organizers upon
registration of participation. E-mail:

The Scout House in Askim.

Olsberg Camping.
. |
The objective of the workshop is to improve training and
knowledge of the latest technology and experience on field identification of
flying bats. The mixture of novice and well experienced bat workers (and
everything between) enhances the learning process by self awareness and
The target group is idealistic bat workers
(enthusiasts/idealists, NGO's and scientists) who is or will work with bats
in the future. Students and NGO's may apply for reduced fee. Commercial bat
workers will be excepted if there is space.
- Learn the basic theory of bat identification with the aid of ultrasound
training in using active detectors, such as the Petersson (D240X, D980), the
AnaBat Walkabout, the EchoMeter and misc. flat screen versions.
Learning how
to operate the passive detectors produced by Pettersson (D500x), Titley (AnaBat Express and AnaBat
Swift), Mini Batcorder (EcoObs) and Wildlife
Acoustics (SongMeter 2, 3 and 4).
- Analyzing bat calls by using
software from Pettersson (BatSound), Titley (AnaLook), Biotope (SonoChiro 4) and Wildlife Acoustics
The results from our surveys will be published in the
proceedings for the workshop, alternatively in a European periodical.
Equipment in which we will have available
for testing are:
- AnaBat Express (Titley Scientific)
- AnaBat Swift
(Titley Scientific)
- D500x (Pettersson Elektronik)
- SongMeter 2 (Wildlife
- SongMeter 3 (Wildlife
Active detectors
- Pettersson (D100, D980)
- Titley Scientific (Walkabout)
- Wildlife Acoustics (EchoMeter)
- BatSound 4.2
- AnaLook
- SonoChiro 4
- Kaleidoscope Viewer
If you have suggestion to other equipment you would like
to test, please let us know. We might be able to make this possible. |

Searching for emerging bats at
during the 2nd EABDW.

Analysing bat sounds in Trenta during
the 1st EABDW.

Chris Corben demonstrationg a car mounted microphone in Lithuania during
the 8th EBDW.
. |
▲The workshop is carried out on a low
budget principal, meaning everything is based on self cost.
For every participant we need to know when you expect to
arrive, and if you are travelling by car. It may be possible to pick up
participants in Oslo, Lillestrøm or Gardermoen. We need to be notified of this as early
as possible.
Please contact Leif Gjerde on e-mail
niff@flaggermus.no, and
notify us...
- time of arrival
- accommodation preferences
- dinner at hotel (NOK 150/meal)
- diet requirements (diabetes, vegetarian, allergies
- travel by own car, or wish to be picked up (if
- what detectors you will bring (if you have any)
- title and abstract of talk (if you expect to have one)
There is an upper capacity of the scout house at
people. We have so far (31 July 2018) received applications from 16
people (from 8 countries) who all have been accepted.
A typical package (shared hotel room with
breakfast, dinner, normal participant fee) costs 3,000 NOK (≈
300 euros). Transportation to/from Askim is not included. Make sure you have confirmation of
participation before you pay!
International payments (including all euro
countries): IBAN no.: NO72 1271 2190 378, and SWIFT: AUSNNO21 for international payments to
the NIFF account.
payment should be the sum of the
- accommodation
- dinner (optional, but recommended)
- registration fee (se right frame)
Deadline registration:
Deadline manuscript
31st December 2018
IBAN number:
NO72 1271 2190 378
NIFF, Postboks 247, N-2001 Lillestrøm
1 euro ≈ 10 NOK
Includes rent of workshop location,
lunch, excursions (road tax, gas) and papers.
- Normal ― NOK 900
- Students* ― NOK 200
- Consultants ― NOK 1,500
*This applies only for students who pay
from their own pocket. If the trip is covered from their university or
through a scholarship, they pay normal price!
Participating sponsors who provide equipment for testing
pay normal fee.
The Oslo region
This includes, in addition to Oslo itself, the region east of
Oslo (Romerike), southeast (Follo) and the Askim area (Indre Østfold).
include the the localities
Øyeren and
Østensjøvannet. Oslo include the river
and lake
There are bat groups in
and Østfold
which have been active in various degree since the mid 1990's. They have their
own web pages.
Description of landscape and surroundings will follow...
Some links:
NB! Some links are in Norwegian. I will later try and make direct links
to Google Translator.

Romsåsen mines. |
The Bat Fauna
The bat fauna of the Oslo area will gradually be presented here.
Vespertilio murinus
A common bat which usually is found during fall display flight around tall
apartment buildings in the cities.
Eptesicus nilssonii
The most common bat. Cosmopolitan (all habitats). Locally in large numbers.
Bat species found in the Oslo country:
- Nyctalus noctula
- Nyctalus leislerii
- Vespertilio murinus
- Myotis daubentonii
- Myotis mystacinus
- Myotis brandtii
- Myotis nattereri
- Pipistrellus pipistrellus
- Pipistrellus pygmaeus
- Pipistrellus nathusii
- Plecotus auritus
- Barbastella barbastellus
Temporary program
Start: The workshop building will be accessible from 1500
h on the 2nd of August, and the program starts at 1800 h.
End: The
workshop will end on the 6th of August at 1000 h.
We will have at
our disposal active and passive ultrasound detectors from three different
producers (Titley Scientific, Petterson Electronic and Wildlife Acoustics). This
will give the participants possibility to get familiar with different type of
work equipment and possibilities that they offer.
During the day we will analyze
the recordings from previous evenings and attendants will be invited to have 20
minute lectures.
In the evening we will divide in groups who
will check different locations
for bats. Each group will have at least one
experienced bat worker, who will lead them and be responsible for the quality of
the collected data.
- The Bat Fauna of
South-eastern Norway
Leif Gjerde
- Landscape, climate and
vegetation of South-eastern Norway –
Leif Gjerde
- Three inexpensive bat detectors; 5€ - 50€
- 500€ –
by Arnold Andreasson
- Automatic extraction and visualisation of metrics
from sound files –
by Arnold Andreasson
- How objective is subjective data collecting?
Experiences and challenges from the Danish NOVANA project on bats in 2014 –
Leif Gjerde
- Is a "one night stand" sufficient for monitoring bat
A case study from Bornholm (Danish NOVANA project) in 2015 –
Leif Gjerde
Acoustics for Bat Identification – Integrating
Zero-Crossings with Full-Spectrum –
by Chris
Microphone Basics and Best Usage
(Include demonstration of AnalookW) –
by Chris
Bat Social Calls – Why bother? Building a Case for more
(temporary title) –
by Neil Middleton
Using ultrasound devices for 3D tradjectory to monitor bat
flight and behaviour. New advances and challenges.
(temporary title) –
by Didier
Assembling your own
detector and pulse generator
organized by Arnold Andreasson
How to assemble the Cloud Bat Detector –
organized by Arnold Andreasson
Round table discussion and
workshop on microphones (testing and standards) –
organized by Didier
for building a reference library
– organized by Chris Corben, Leif Gjerde, Arnold
Andreasson and Didier Mauuary
Bat Social
Calls: How could we miss them, and how do we include them?
– organized by Neil Middleton
trips (night)
Localities described in links above.
- Øyeren.
Shoreline with highest density of foraging V. murinus in Norway. Meander
river of Leira (Lillestrøm).
- Østensjøvannet.
Euthrophic lake with high densities of foraging bats (400-600 individuals
of E. nilssonii along 4 km shoreline).
- Agricultural
College of Ås (NLH). Park
and buildings from the 1800's. The park is in a mixed English and French
style, with many old trees and ponds.
- Not decided (maybe
locally first night)
Field trips
- Township of Romsås (Oslo) to see fall
habitat of display flying Vespertilio murinus
- Romsåsen mines (Askim). Highest bat
species diversity in Norway. Mine monitored for years, and include a
visiting centre.
- Colony of E. nilssonii (one
group might start evening here)

Chris Corben talking about zero-crossing and the AnaBat system.

Leif Gjerde deploying a AnaBat SD2 passive detector.

Lea Likozar talking having a talk during
the 1st EABDW. |
Travel instructions
The 3rd EABDW will take place in Askim (in Østfold), a small village located
55 km from downtown Oslo.
The workshop will take place in the village of Askim at 59.585985 N 11.146326 W. It is a 10 minute walk from the train station in Askim to the
the scout house.
Some distances and travel
Stretch |
km |
Time (h.minutes) |
Gardermoen (Jessheim) -
Askim |
99 |
1.37 |
Torp (Sandefjord) -
Askim |
172 |
2.14 |
Göteborg -
Askim |
241 |
2.49 |
The nearest airports from
Askim are:
1. Gardermoen - OSL (Oslo) - 99 km (1h 37min)
2. Torp - TRF (Sandefjord) - 172 km (2h 14min)
3. Landvetter GOT (Sweden) - 241 km (2h 49min)
Airplane companies leaving from Torp (Sandefjord Airport) are a.o. Norwegian
Air Shuttle, Ryan Air (Irish), KLM (Dutch), Wizz Air (Hungarian).
The travel costs from Stansted (London) at 0940 h to
Gardermoen on 2nd of August, and return (arrival Stansted at 1630 h) are 98
pounds (checked 6th Jan.).
Train from Gardermoen airport
NSB is the main company. From Gardermoen airport there is also "Flytoget" or
the airport plane. They are both state owned, but the airport plane is a lot
more expensive. Tickets for these are bought at separate machines and at
separate ticket counters, but just few meters apart. So this can be confusing.
NB! The airports name is Gardermoen, but officially it is
"Oslo Lufthavn". So searching databases you might need to use the official name.
On train platform Gardermoen might be used.
Train from Gardermoen airport to Oslo S (Oslo
Sentralbanestasjon). At Oslo S you need to change train for Askim.
All train, bus, tram, boat routes are available on:
www.trafikanten.no or

Sampling bat calls in Trenta during the
1st EABDW.

Likozar demonstrating how to use the
EchoMeter in 1-2-3 during the 1st EABDW
in Slovenia. |
Bat Call Reference Library Collection Trip
6th - 9th August 2018
During the 10th
European Bat detector Workshop in Biddarai (the Basque Country) in 2017, there
was established a working group whose aim was to standardize methods for
collecting bat calls in the field. Special focus was on (1) developing
microphone standards, (2) establishing a bat call reference library and (3)
enabling inexpensive high quality detectors and microphones.
In connection to
this work, the group will have a post-workshop expedition to Trøndelag (Central
Norway). Three colonies will be visited on three separate days to collect calls
from bats emerging the colonies, and from the surrounding habitats.
The species are
from known colonies of Myotis brandtii, Myotis mystacinus and
Eptesicus nilssonii, making species identification safe for the calls
collected. Furthermore, no nearby colonies exist of any confusing species.
The results from
the trip will be included in the Proceedings.
There will be a DVD publication after the workshop which include
pictures, sound files, analysis and statistics.
addition we hope to publishing
the results of our bat detector workshop in a special issue of Gudnjoloddi (ISSN
0809-2362). It will be published by NIFF and Bluebat together. The title will be "Proceedings
from the 3rd European Bat Detector Workshop, held in Askim (Oslo)
during 2nd to 6th of
August 2018".
Leif Gjerde
will be editors of the proceedings. It is expected that each lecture will be
published as a separate article in the proceedings. If no manuscript is
received, we will publish the abstract alone.
There is no limitation for the length of the articles, but the contents should
be relevant to the talk. The proceedings will be in English entirely. There will
not be included abstracts in Norwegian.
Deadline for contributing article manuscript is
31 December 2018.
Structure of reference for
the proceedings
Gjerde, Leif. 2019.
The Bat Fauna of
South-eastern Norway. Gudnjoloddi
(Lillestrøm) ?:
ISSN 0809-2362.
Gjerde, Leif. 2019.
The Bat Fauna of
South-eastern Norway.
in Proceedings
from the 3rd European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop, held in Askim (Norway) during
2nd to
6th of
August 2018 (Leif Gjerde, eds.). Nordic
Chiroptera Information Center, Lillestrøm
2019. ? pp.
ISBN 978-82-7905-???-?.
Sponsors providing
field equipment:

Page established 6 January 2018
Last updated 12 August 2018