European Bat Detector Workshops |
Also other Pan-European workshops are included on this web page. |
4th European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop -
Under planning The cancellation of the workshop in 2021 was due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and practical issues connected to this. We are working on preparing the next workshop, which will be held one or two years after the European Bat Research Symposium. Updates will follow....
12th European Bat Detector Workshop -
Under planning |
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EARLIER WORKSHOPS ▲ European Bat Detector Workshop Since the 1st European Bat Detector Workshop, which was organized in the Netherlands in 1991, there has been organized parallel workshops to the European Bat Research Symposium. Every three years since, there has therefore been organized workshops before or after the European Bat Research Symposium. The workshops were held in the same or neighbouring country. Earlier workshops are:
Period | Location | Organizer | Proceedings | |
1 | 15 - 18 September 2012 | Trenta, Slovenia | Yes | |
2 | 16 - 20 September 2015 | Vercors, France | Cyberio | Yes |
3 | 2 - 6 August 2018 | Askim, Norway | Nordic Chiroptera Information Center (NIFF) | Yes |
Bat Call Reference Library Collection Trip
3rd European Alpine Bat Detector
147 images |
European Bat Detector Workshop
101 images |
European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop
107 images |
9th European Bat Detector Workshop
10 images |
European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop
99 images |
8th European Bat Detector Workshop
81 images |
European Bat Detector Workshop
70 images |
European Bat Detector Workshop
68 images |
Kapteyn, K. 1993. Proceedings of the first European Bat Detector Workshop. Netherlands Bat Research Foundation, Amsterdam. 128 pp.
Christine Harbusch & Jacques Pir (editors). 1999. Proceedings of the 3. European Bat Detector Workshop, 17-20 August 1996, Larochette (Lux.). Travaux Scientifiques du Musée national d'histoire naturelle de Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 31: 1-141. ISSN 0251-2424.
Barataud, M. et coll. 2005. 5. European Bat Detector workshop, foręt de Tronçais - Allier (France) - 21-25.08.2002. Le Rhinolophe 17 (Genčve): 31-141. ISSN 1011-8098.
Kelleher, Conor. 2005. Bat fieldcraft workshop at Killarney National Park, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Report on the four-day event. Bat Conservation Ireland, 2005. 23 pp. No ISBN.
In preperation
Page established 11 Augusr 2014
Last updated 25 September 2024