European Bat Detector Workshops
Field training in practical bat detector work

The European Bat Detector Workshop has traditionally be organized in connection to the European Bat Research Symposium. However, from 2011 there is no practice that the symposium organizers also organize the workshop.
The aim of the workshops is to get field training in practical bat work. This includes the use of various detectors, and capture techniques.

Also other Pan-European workshops are included on this web page.




4th European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop - Under planning
Location undetermined 2025 or 2026

The cancellation of the workshop in 2021 was due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and practical issues connected to this. We are working on preparing the next workshop, which will be held one or two years after the European Bat Research Symposium.

Updates will follow....

12th European Bat Detector Workshop - Under planning
Location undetermined2027
This workshop is set up as an extended offer to people who attend the European Bat Research Symposium. The workshop is always organized prior or just after the symposium, at a nearby location (same or neighbouring country). The workshop will be organized in connection to the 17th European Bat Research Symposium. More information will follow...




European Bat Detector Workshop

Since the 1st European Bat Detector Workshop, which was organized in the Netherlands in 1991, there has been organized parallel workshops to the European Bat Research Symposium. Every three years since, there has therefore been organized workshops before or after the European Bat Research Symposium. The workshops were held in the same or neighbouring country. Earlier workshops are:

  Period Location Organizer Proceedings
1 1 - 5 July 1991 Gorssel, Netherlands Netherland Bat Research Foundation Yes
2 28 August - 1 September 1993 Grazalema, Andalucia, Spania Sevilla Biological Station No
3 17 - 20 August 1996 Larouchette, Luxembourg Natural History Museum of Luxembourg Yes
4 27 - 30 August 1999 Pieniny National Park, Poland Polish Society of Wildlife Friends, Pro. Natura ?
5 21 - 25 August 2002 Foret de Troncais, France . Yes
6 17 - 21 August 2005 Chill Airne (Killarney), Ireland The Vincent Wildlife Trust No
7 13 - 16 August 2008 Felsőtárkány, Hungary . No
8 18 - 21 August 2011 Aukstadvaris, Lithuania

Lithuanian Society for Bat Protection
Nordic Chiroptera Information Center (NIFF)

9 5 - 9 September 2014 Šibenik, Croatia Ignored by the EBRS, so an improvised workshop was organized. No
10 5 - 9 August 2017 Bidarrai, Basque country

Nordic Chiroptera Information Center (NIFF), Blue Bat

11 6 - 10 September 2024 Mura, Catalonia Nordic Chiroptera Information Center (NIFF) Yes


European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop

In 2012 a new tradition started when it was organized the first alpine bat detector workshop:

  Period Location Organizer Proceedings
1  15 - 18 September 2012  Trenta, Slovenia

 Nordic Chiroptera Information Center (NIFF)

2  16 - 20 September 2015  Vercors, France  Cyberio Yes
3  2 - 6 August 2018  Askim, Norway  Nordic Chiroptera Information Center (NIFF) Yes






  Bat Call Reference Library Collection Trip
  3rd European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop
6 - 10 August 2018
  41 images

  3rd European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop
  2 - 6 August 2018

  147 images

10th European Bat Detector Workshop
5 - 9 August 2017
Bidarrai, Basque Country

101 images

2nd European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop
16 - 20 September 2015
Vercors, France

107 images

9th European Bat Detector Workshop
5 - 7 August 2014
Sibenik, Croatia

10 images

1st European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop
15 - 18 September 2012
Triglav National Park, Slovenia

99 images

8th European Bat Detector Workshop
18 - 21 August 2011
Aukstadvaris, Lithuania

81 images

7th European Bat Detector Workshop
13 - 18 August 2008
Felsőtárkány, Hungary

70 images

20080814-024w.jpg (226288 bytes)

6th European Bat Detector Workshop
17 - 21 August 2005
Chill Airne (Killarney), Ireland

68 images





  • Kapteyn, K. 1993. Proceedings of the first European Bat Detector Workshop. Netherlands Bat Research Foundation, Amsterdam. 128 pp.

  • Christine Harbusch & Jacques Pir (editors). 1999. Proceedings of the 3. European Bat Detector Workshop, 17-20 August 1996, Larochette (Lux.). Travaux Scientifiques du Musée national d'histoire naturelle de Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 31: 1-141. ISSN 0251-2424.

  • Barataud, M. et coll. 2005. 5. European Bat Detector workshop, foręt de Tronçais - Allier (France) - 21-25.08.2002. Le Rhinolophe 17 (Genčve): 31-141. ISSN 1011-8098.

  • Kelleher, Conor. 2005. Bat fieldcraft workshop at Killarney National Park, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Report on the four-day event. Bat Conservation Ireland, 2005. 23 pp. No ISBN.

In preperation

  • Gjerde, L & L. Likozar. In prep. Proceedings of the 1st European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop, held at Triglav National Park during 15th to 18th of September 2012. Gudnjoloddi 32. ISSN 0809-2362.


  • A list will be presented later

Front cover of the Proceedings.



Page established 11 Augusr 2014
Last updated 25 September 2024

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