Saturday 25 January 2025
Power Denmark organizes one-day
conference on
bats, birds and fish ▲
one-day conference was organized in Copenhagen during the 21st of
January. It was Green Power Denmark who organized the event, an
organization who represents companies, owners and developers in the renewable
energy industry.
A one-day event only gives a glimpse of the issues in hand when concerning
threats to nature. The lectures were not reflecting any aspect within
environmental issues, but were rather an accidental compilation of various
topics. Three lectures included bats, one on birds, and one on fish. One lecture
was about DNA analysis on saltwater fish, another on Artificial Intelligence.
Three presentations addressed the general topic from a political point of view.
So the conference was a head-first approach, not really addressing the crucial
The conference does show that nature is starting to become a topic within the
wind energy industry, and we can hope that this event inspires to future
follow-ups. However, with the complexity and extensive information within
several scientific disciplines, it is important that such an event is held over
several days, allowing a more complete and thought through program of talks.
Furthermore, the main problem today is not the science or mitigation, but rather
that the industry does not carry out the Environmental Impact Assessments
according to the requirements by law.
Image to be added ... |
Saturday 18 January 2025
reduce their transparency ▲
is the secretariat to the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of
European Bats (earlier called the European Bats Agreement). The agreement is
a part of the Bonn Convention (the Convention on the Conservation of
Migratory Species of Wild Animals) as has its office together with the
United Nations Environment Programme UNEP) in Bonn, Germany.
All documents from meetings, committees and resolutions are posted on
their web page under “Official Documents”. However, they have never informed the
public in what is available of their administrative documents. Democratic
countries have national freedom of information laws, which give the public
access to letters and documents registered at each particular institution. Also
Germany has a federal freedom of information law, which grants people right to
access to federal information without any legal or other justification
The EUROBATS secretariat consists of an Executive Secretary and a small
staff. Last year these were listed on their web page. Today this information is
removed. The information is available in specific documents, but this requires
some work to find, and the information is neither updated nor complete.
As EUROBATS is an United Nations organization, representing a number of
countries, it is esential for their credability to be transparent in their work.
Unfortanetly, they have now taken a step back when concerning public openness.
Image to be added ...
Saturday 11 January 2025 with 188 unique visits every day ▲
The web portal and
catalogue was established in 2004, long before the organization “Batlife
Europe” was established. Our web-pages give you the possibility to navigate
and find information about companies and organizations who publish bat related
information, or manufacture products useful to bat research. During more recent
years we have added news clips on our front page, drawing the attention of
additional bat workers.
We have followed the statistics of how many that view
our pages, and have
observed a large increase after the news clips were included. For 2024 we hit a
record high with a total of 44214 visits. This gives a daily average of 121
people. At the most we had 1321 visitors in one week, which was registered just
two weeks before Christmas. All the numbers we include are based on unique daily
We hope now that sponsors will enable us to cover the costs of running our
web-pages. If you are interested in sponsoring us, please make contact.

Saturday 4 January 2025
We wish
our readers a Happy New Year 2025 ▲
With the European
Bat Research Symposium and the European Bat Detector Workshop, both
held in Catalonia last September and the 20th
International Bat Research Conference in Australia next August, we seem
to be back on track again after the Covid-19 pandemic. The year 2025 will be
good for conferences! The 9th
European Congress of Mammals is to be held in Greece during April. In
September the 8th
Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife Impacts will be held in France.
September also brings the 19th
International Bioacoustics Congress to Denmark. Not forgetting the IBRC
in Australia. All these conferences are of high interest to bat workers.
As the editor of
turned 60 years just two days ago, and with 32 years of extensive bat work, my
objective is to make 2025 the year of the bat worker. I have ambitions of
following up much of my older work, and hope this year will prosperous for your
bat work as well.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 28 December 2024
New guidelines for handling bats in captivity ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 21 December 2024
EUROBATS guidelines for traffic infrastructure projects ▲
Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats came into
effect during 1994. The agreement was formerly called the European Bats
Agreement, and is coordinated by the Bonn Convention through the EUROBATS
secretariat. The secretariat has an Advisory Committee, where working groups are
engaged in specific projects, developing guidelines for the specific member
states to inform and implement. So far nine guidelines have been published on
various topics.
Just recently EUROBATS published their 10th guideline entitled
«Guidance on the consideration of bats in traffic infrastructure projects».
It is the work of a so called Intersession Working Group established in
Hungary during May 2007. Jean Matthews has coordinated the work, with help from
8 people.
The report is on 113 pages, and is available in both a printed and digital
version. It has been made available with the financial help of the governments
of Monaco and Germany.
book review will be included in the next number of Fennoscandian Bats.

Saturday 14 December 2024
initiate North Sea weather monitoring to predict bat migration ▲
NIFF received our first bat from a North Sea oil rig in 2006, we receive
irregular reports on bats found at these installations
in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea. We know bats cross the North Sea annually in
various numbers, since they often are discovered at offshore oil rigs or on the
Faeroe Islands, Shetland Islands or the Orkney Island. Our present knowledge on
what weather conditions is necessary for bat migration is relatively good. So
NIFF has started to monitor potential migration weather during fall. The weather
is monitored during August through October, and the results may then be matched
with actual bat sightings in the North Sea area.
More information will be available in the next issue of Fennoscandian

Oil rig at Haltenbanken. Photo: Kjetil Alsvik. |
Saturday 7 December 2024
deaths of bat rabies in North America ▲
fall, there has been reported from North America two human deaths from bat
rabies. The first incident happened in July when a person from Minnesota, above
65 in age, died from exposure (Associated Press, 27/9-2024). The second incident
reported was from early September. A person younger then 18 was supposedly
bitten in bed. The incident happened in Ontario, and was reported by BBC on 4.
As usual, little information is available in such cases. And the press
only give a partial, often biased picture. It is not reported which virus
species were involved, making it difficult to confirm the virus origin. It was
the British Bat Conservation Trust who got’s attention, but
they didn’t even mention which newspapers were their sources. Rabies is an
illness that causes fear amongst people, and regardless of how minute the chance
is for someone to receive it, it usually draws a lot of attention.
People die annually from rabies, but mostly from mammals such as dogs or
cats. In the wild canines are especially receptive to this virus. Bats have
their own lyssavirus species, and certain bat species and areas are especially
exposed. Canines often become aggressive when infected, something which is not
as apparent in bats. For exposure, you need to be in direct contact with a sick
bat. So there are only in certain situations this is a hazard. Bat workers
usually vaccinate themselves, and anyone handling animals should include this
vaccine. People who travel are especially exposed to rabies if they are in
contact with pets or wild animals.
Britain, Sweden and Finland are considered rabies free when concerning bats.
Norway had an incident in 2015 where an infected Daubenton’s Myotis (Myotis
daubentonii) was found in a forest area. Later, in 2024, there were two
suspected findings in Drammen (Norway), but none of the Norwegian Institute
for Public Health, the Norwegian Veterinary Institute or the
Norwegian Food Safety Authority had any desire to test the specimens or
follow up the case.
Image to be added ...
Saturday 30 November 2024
«Rabies in
European Bats»
leaflet published ▲
and UNEP just made the leaflet «Rabies
in European bats: Information for professionals, volunteers and stakeholders»
available. It contains essential data on bat rabies in
Europe, explained in simple and yet scientifically sound terms. The text was
compiled by Peter H.C. Lina and Lena V. Godlevska assisted by other members of
the EUROBATS Intercessional Working Group on Communication, Bat Conservation and
Public Health.
This leaflet is currently available as an online PDF version in English, but the
Secretariat contemplates printing of hard copies for free distribution. However,
the booklet has not been dedicated an ISBN number. This is surprising as UNEP
was the organization who initiated the use of International Standard Book
Numbers and International Standard Serial Numbers in 1971. The numbers are free,
and practically every publication today in the world, have designed such
Image to be added ... |
Saturday 23 November 2024
EUROBATS secretary appointed ▲
The UN
has appointed 46 year-old Zrinka Domazetovic from Croatia as the new Executive
Secretary of the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European
Bats (EUROBATS). Her new position started on 28. October. The EUROBATS
office is located at the United Nations Campus in Bonn (West-Germany), together
with UNEP.
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb in
Croatia, holding a master’s degree in ecology. Domazetovic has 20 years of
experience in biodiversity conservation policy and its implementation. She has
worked in the ministry responsible for nature protection in Croatia, for over a
decade as a Head of Service for Biodiversity. She is experienced in implementing
international policies and EU legislation on nature and species conservation,
transboundary movement and trade in wildlife and invasive alien species.
Prior to joining the EUROBATS Secretariat, she was the Vice-Chair of the
Standing Committee, Vice-Chair at the 8th Meeting of Parties and Chair of the
9th Meeting of Parties to EUROBATS.
Image to be added ... |
Saturday 16 November 2024
Pettersson launces T10 Ultrasound speaker and microphone tester ▲
This product was
launched last summer and became known at the EBRS in Tarragona, where Lars
Pettersson displayed his product. Pettersson never talks loud about his
products, all though they are known for their high quality and durability. After
becoming aware of the T10 (Pettersson does not update his news page), it also
became apparent that he had launched his first own speaker, the L400, already in
2014 (or earlier).
However, the T10 seems to have been developed as a microphone tester for
the Pettersson detectors, where built-in test sounds can be used for testing the
performance of ultrasonic microphones. But the device may also be used as a
Bat-Lure, since pre-recorded bat calls can be connected to the T10.
The T10 only costs 300 euros without tax or shipment, and may be ordered
from Lars Pettersson AB via his web-page
Saturday 9 November 2024
hibernation season for bats has started ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 2 November 2024
Monitoring of fall phenology has come to a seasonal end ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Thursday 31 October 2024
The Giant Vampyre Bat might have existed around year 1650 ▲
The first Desmodus
draculae fossil was located in Cueva del Guácharo in Venezuela in 1965 by
Omar J. Linares, which he noted in 1968 as a possible Pleistocene species of
Desmodus. A formal and accepted description of the species was published in
1988, designating the collection by Linares, a skull and post-cranial material,
as the type specimen.
The authors assigned the specific epithet draculae, noting "the
largest known chiropteran vampire commemorates Count Dracula, the greatest human
vampire of folklore", and placed the novel species with the genus Desmodus.
Desmodus draculae has been occasionally called the Giant Vampire Bat
in reference to its greater relative size.
Most records of D. draculae are from the late Pleistocene, but some are
from the Holocene. A Desmodus canine tooth discovered in Buenos Aires
Province, Argentina came from sediments dated at 300 years BP (ca. 1650
A.D.); this fossil was tentatively assigned to D. draculae.

Drawing by Andrea Maraldi. |
Saturday 26 October 2024
Remembering the dead and extinct: A new bat Halloween tradition ▲
Many connect Halloween
with a tradition from the USA where children dress up in scary costumes and walk
trick-or-treating. However, this tradition has been celebrated in Scotland and
Ireland for centuries before. It is believed that immigrants from these
countries brought with their tradition to the USA. But there is a lot more to
this tradition then meets the eye. On the 31st of October is when the
Western Christian liturgical year dedicates the remembrance of the dead.
in popular culture this has become a celebration of horror associated to the
macabre and supernatural, involving kids and their parents. NIFF would like to
take a step back and remember the dead, but with a different approach. We would
like to dedicate the day to our lost bat scientists and the bat species of the
recent past. And we would encourage every bat organization to do the same. This
year 31st of October we will focus on the Giant Vampyre Bat
Desmodus draculae which might have become extinct as late as 300 years ago
(described in 1988 by Omar Jesus Linares Prato).

Photo: Unknown/Wikipedia. |
Saturday 19 October 2024
Wildlife Acoustics drastically reduce purchase cost of SongMeter
Micro 2 ▲
This detector was
launched on 22nd of February, and available for purchase from 16th of May. It
was seemingly quite popular as people ended up on waiting lists. Also the price
was unstable in beginning, resulting in suppliers adjusting their prices several
times. Today this detector is sold for around 240 euros, including tax and
Despite this is a detector for recording audible sound, it covers the
frequency ranges to social calls of several bat species, including V.
discolor. So this detector is absolutely useful to bat researchers.
The real reason for the price cut is not given. The change suggests not
only development costs are high, but also the margin of earnings is high as
well. WA would never reduce the cost to a level where they loose one their
products. The change suggests an increased competing market in home made
detectors and/or other manufacturers planning on launching low cost detectors
sometime in the near future.
The new price tag is mostly welcome, since this allows people to not spend
a fortune for buying one detector. Now the price level is where all detectors
should be at. But keep in mind the microphone is built in. So you probably need
to buy a new detector when the microphone needs renewing. However, SongMeter
detectors (at least the SM2’s) are known for their long lived lives. In the EU
the warranty should last for at least 3 years, and in Norway this is regulated
to 5 years. It is the reseller who needs to implement this rule.
have purchased one detector for testing (WA normally do not provide detectors
for testing), and the results will be available in the next number of
Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Unknown/Wildlife Acoustics. |
Saturday 12 October 2024
Unsynchronized International Bat Days ▲
The overall objective of all
international bat days, nights, weekends or weeks is to promote awareness
towards bats through public activities and information. These events have been
organized locally or through organizations for years, as a part of their
activities. Including such events to neighbouring countries or regions has been
encouraged by some organizations since.
However, the timing varies considerably around the Globe. In Europe the
International Bat Night is generally recommended the last full weekend of
August. North America (and some in Britain?) marks the event with activities
during a week in October. In Australia and New Zealand they mark the event with
multiple activities anytime in March or April.
With gradually spreading the event over longer periods, it stops becoming
a single event. And this results in fewer people, paying attention to the event
as an event. It also mixes with the activities which the organizations organize
The full article will be available in the next number of Fennoscandian
Image to be added ... |
Saturday 5 October 2024
New report on hibernating bats at Mønsted limestone mines ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 28 September 2024
The Swedish Species Information Centre poses with false authority ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 21 September 2024
The EUROBATS secretary retires ▲
Andreas Streit is
retiring after 25 years as the secretary of Eurobats. He has undoubtfully
been a resource to EUROBATS and the Agreement through the years. However, the
effect of the Agreement for the member states can be discussed, as many of the
changes should be credited to the bat organizations alone.
Andreas Streit took over as the second secretary after Eric Blencowe, who
was suspiciously removed from the position in 1998. It is still not known what
role Streit had in this takeover, which was organized by the German authorities.
Streit was a typical diplomat, as can be illustrated in the comment he
received after 20 minutes in half an hour talk about Eurobats at the Le Havre
conference in 2002. An Estonian bat research student said: “He has talked for
20 minutes, and still not said anything.” But regardless, the work and
achievements of Streit as a professional secretary will be remembered for years
to come.

Andreas Streit during the 15th
International Bat Research Conference in Praha 2010. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 14 September 2024
Successful European Bat Detector Workshop held in Mura ▲
After a seven year
interuption (lost 1.5 events since year 2017) the EBDW tradition is hopefully
back on track. The delay was due to the disturbance of the Covid-19 pandemic. So
now, finally, the 11th EBDW was organized in Catalonia. The five-day event was
carried out in the Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park, just one
hour drive north of Catalonia’s capital Barcelona. The workshop was held at
Alberg Els Caus hostel in Mura, where all activities were located, except for
the evening trips. Mura is an enclave in the hart of the park, which surrounds
the village on three sides.
The workshop was organized by Leif Gjerde from Scandinavia (NIFF), with
the assistens from Mounir Abi-Said from Lebanon. The event was in cooperation
with Granollers museum and the park administration, which both provided limited
local, but relevant information.
The event hosted 16 people from 12 countries, and interesting recordings
were sampled from a number of localities both within and just outside the park.
Now it remains to organize the collected data, and make this available to the
public. Firstly, photo galleries will be included in
article presenting the workshop will be published in Fennoscandian Bats’
fall number. Furthermore, the workshop web-page and will be updated.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 7 September 2024
Technical organizers’ neglect overshades successful bat conference ▲
With yesterday, the 16th
European Bat Research Symposium came to an end. A total of 402 people from 50
countries participated in the 5-day conference. The number of participants was
at an upper high, compared to previous EBRS’. The number of talks was also more
then usual. The conference center was also practically designed, making it easy
to move around, with everything happening within short distances of each other.
There were only two drawbacks: (1) the lack of elevators, which forced extensive
walking upon the participants, and (2) the lack of outlets and working space for
people with laptops.
Being present at nine EBRS’s, all since 1993, this would have been the
best ever. However, the cost was extremely high, especially when considering the
parking expenses. The lack of helping initiative from the technical organizers
was especially inconsiderate and rude. They could easily fix the parking issue
by actively solving the problem, which would take minutes to do. Also that they
showed no interest to follow up “lost and found” items after the conference was
over, even if they were covered their expenses, showed contempt towards the
More information will be available in the next issue of Fennoscandian
Image to b added...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Friday 6 September 2024
wish for strong NGOs who can go to court ▲
Yesterday, on a "round
table" or panel discussion about "the role of supranational organizations in
the conservation of European Bats", Ruth Petermann who is the chair of the
EUROBATS Advisory Committee, encouraged NGOs to go to court against project
developers to ensure them to follow the rules. EUROBATS is the secretariat to
the UNEP agreement on European bats, and manage this agreement in which 39
countries are a member of today. Each country has a administrative
representative to the agreement (usually an government official or diplomat) and
a scientific representative (diplomat or scientist). So it can be argued that
EUROBATS represent the countries interest, or more correctly represent the
implementation of the Agreement towards the member countries.
It is also NIFF’s experience that law and legislations are generally
ignored by most developers, and also the authorities themselves. Experiences
from Sweden and Denmark show that the authorities do not follow up their role to
control that rules are followed, forcing the NGO’s to take legal action
themselves. However, when EUROBATS themselves recommend such action, it does
strongly indicate that this is a problem and dilemma they are well aware of, and
fighting against.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Thursday 5 September 2024
Purpose of the EBRS under threat by Batlife Europe ▲
The main purpose of
these conferences has always been for the researcher to present scientific
results and promote himself, his organization and his work. At the same time it
is a good opertunity to connect people, make new relationships and strengthen
old ones. So in short it is a place to look and be seen!
It was then surprising that Batlife Europe’s treasurer Marlot Jenker was
enoyed at NIFF taking pictures at the event. She stated this openly at a lecture
held by well known and retired Estonian bat scientist Matti Masing, in which
this might be his last conference ever. Jenker pointing out that the pictures
distracted and anoyed her. Rather then addressing the organizers directly before
the conference, Jenker found it fit to throw this out during Masing’s lecture,
without allowing a proper answer. However, the lecture host stated there was no
specific policy of photography at the conference.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Wednesday 4 September 2024
field trips organized to areas
with bat research ▲
The conference excursions have been a
tradition as long as I can remember. Wednesday has usually been the best choice,
as this is half way through the conference. It also gives everyone a nice brake
while explore the surrounding while lobbying. The challenge for a conference
excursion is the logistics. Several hundred people need to be transported, and
guides need to be included for each group/bus. Time coordination and costs are
always a challenge, making this, all-in-all, a nightmare for the main organizer
while the event is going on. So any positive outcome is to be considered a great
The purpose of the day trip is to experience the local culture and the
surrounding to the conference location. So this is a win-win opportunity, where
the participant gets to be a "tourist", and the organizers can show off the best
and most interesting places to visit.
At this conference there were offered four optional trips, in various
price categories. At two of the destinations, the delta and the winery, there is
being carried out bat research. In these two areas the bats’ impact on the
landscape and visa verse is being studied. However, on the trip to the delta no
information was given about this work. The only bat related information was
connected to a stop at a bat box inhabited by a large colony of pipistrelles.
But this box, and these bats, were not a part of the research.
The full article about the conference will be available in the next
issue of Fennoscandian Bats.
Image to be added ... |
Tuesday 3 September 2024
EBRS: Most expensive conference ever ▲
Organizing a conference with hundreds of participant is always a huge and
challenging task. A lot of logistics need to fall in place, and still
unpredicted surprises might appear. However, these symposiums have been
organized since 1981, when the first EBRS was organized in Bonn, West Germany.
So we should expect that much of the tasks in hand should be well prepared for.
This conference is structured as low-cost. It reaches out to scientists,
idealists and students, and is affordable for many. But still, travel and
accommodations add to the expenses. Every conference has its approaches to
contents and logistics of their specific conference, but this time there were
some extra costs which have made it difficult for many to participate.
The conference dinner is always an issue. Many
low-budget participants, especially those from Eastern Europe, skip this event
due to the cost. However, this time it was still at a reasonable price. However,
the day trip was not included in the registration fee, and the most expensive
trip was 60 euro.
However, the parking at the conference center really showed out to be a
nightmare. The EBRS have an agreement of 7 euro for 24 hour parking for the
participants. However, you need to use Smartphone software. And doing it on the
internet is impossible since the platform used have missing information, as is
not adapted for international users. The technical organizers, Gemma Sánches and
Blanca Domingo, did not give sufficient advice, and they ignored to help, even
if they had the tools to do it there upon the arrival of the participant. The
result was that someone using the parking garage, risked paying 24 euros each
day, making the parking fees to be 120 euros.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Monday 2 September 2024
post-Covid-19 EBRS launched today ▲
the 16th European Bat Research Symposium was launched in the city of Tarragona
in Catalonia. The conference is located in the center of the city, at an
international conference center called Palau.
Around 400 participants are attending at what might be the most extensive
European bat conference ever. Over 150 talks will be presented in three
auditoriums simultaneously, and almost 100 posters are set up. In addition a
number of business stolls present manufacturers and others who wish to market
their products. Bat detector manufacturers, such as Pettersson Elektronik,
Titley Scientific and Wildlife Acoustics are present. But also the Polish firm
Ecotone and other bat equipment providers are represented.
These conferences are always full of activities and surprises, so the next
days will probably interesting for all people present.
A review of the conference will be available in the next number of
Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 31 August 2024
studies started
and detectors deployed ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 24 August 2024
Pettersson developed bat Auto-ID for Scandinavia ▲
Pettersson has recently developed an Auto-ID for Scandinavia. The name is
Batsound ID, and has been mainly developed to target the Swedish bat
species. However, it is also functional for the Norwegian and Danish species,
since Scandinavia have almost the same bat fauna.
The software may be purchased for SEK 5400. The price covers one user on
one computer. There is no cheating with subscriptions, such as Wildlife
Acoustics do with their Kaleidoscope. When you have Batsound ID, it is
free for you to use, as much as you wish, until the day you die! No hidden costs
are added.
Since the market is limited to users in Scandinavia, he has not posted
information about his software on his web-pages. However, information might
eventually be more available, and we can hope he expands the number of species
included in his software.
Image to be added...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 10 August 2024
Streetlamps attract bats during late summer and fall ▲
phenomena of street lamps attracting bats, has been known for decades. The
lights attract insects, in which the effect various with light color. Insects
are food for the bats, attracting these as well. This has been studied a number
of times, something the literature reflects.
The timing and species involved various between regions. But in Northern
Europe species such as Eptesicus nilssonii, Vespertilio discolor,
Nyctalus noctula seem to do this frequently. Also pipistrelles may forage
near street lamps. In some species and situations, the bats fly within the light
beam, other times just outside the light expose. Unfortunately, the bats are
more difficult to identify in such situations. Since they fly close to clutter
(the lamps), they emit untypical calls.
During recent years, more and more street lamps are replaced with LED. Not many
studies have been carried out on this topic, and the conclusions seem to be
unclear. We welcome anyone who sends us references to articles concerning bats
and LED light.
Image to be added...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 3 August 2024
Experience with bat detectors wanted ▲
In light
of the Danish critisism
of AudioMoth, we encourage people to share their experience from this detector.
What do you use the detector for, and how does it meet your requirements for the
task you set the detector for. When considering that they have sold 10’s of
thousands of these devices, probably more then Wildlife Acoustics and Titley
Scientific combined; something must work with the AudioMoth.
The results will be published in the proceedings for the 11th
European Bat Detector Workshop, where we also will test this detector.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 20 July 2024
EBRS in Catalonia with over 380
registered ▲
Registration of the
16th European Bat Research Conference closed on 30th of June. This conference
will be held in the town of Tarragona in the south of Catalonia. Organizing a
conference is a huge task with new challenges popping up along the way. It is
important for people to hold all the deadlines, so that the organizers can keep
up with their preparations.
NIFF will attend the conference, and try to
present daily news on our web during the five days the symposium lasts.
Oryx is organizing the sales part (like T-shirts
and cups), but also the field trips which is being held on Wednesday during the
conference. However, they have some logistical problems with their web-shop page,
not allowing all common forms of payment. It shows out that the option of
invoice/bank transfer has fallen out. If anyone wishes to pay by bank transfer,
you need to contact Oryx by e-mail and ask them to send you an invoice. This
problem seems to have been there all the time, but now when they have become
aware of it, are working to solve this problem.
Saturday 29 June 2024
Bat Specialist Group publish guidelines for field hygiene ▲
guidelines are intended for all people doing fieldwork on bats anywhere. The
guidelines address “ordinary” circumstances and aim to minimize the risk of
pathogen transmission in all combinations. So the guidelines’ intent is to
protect both the animals and humans, who study them.
The guidelines are an update of the ones which were presented during the
pandemic. They have been developed by the IUCN’s Species Survival Commissions
Bat Specialist Group. Eight authors have written the text, and nine people have
reviewed it.
The document is available for download on their web-page. However, it has not
been officially published, since no ISBN number has been assigned this
Saturday 18 May 2024
bat information is fragmented and poorly available ▲
International and regional organizations’ web-pages offer little or no
information on bat research, knowledge or other bat related information, such as
organizations and manufacturers. Running, it is a constant need to
search and update information on bat research. The web-pages is a
catalogue containing information about newsletters, libraries, organizations,
manufacturers and much more. To update this information is a challenge, since
information often is difficult to find, and is very fragmented. Gathering
information and making it available is a mission an international bat
organization could and should include in its work. Today we only have three
organizations that could carry out this task. These are Bat Conservation
International (BCI), the North American Society for Bat Research (NASBR) and
Eurobats. However, none of these are even near to fulfill such a role. Maybe we
need a new international bat organization, who are inclusive and gather and
present information available to all bat workers?
Saturday 11 May 2024
International web-pages don't share event information ▲
As is a news and
information channel, we are constantly looking for scheduled future meetings,
symposiums, conferences and workshops. We go systematically through a number of
web-pages to update ourselves on new information. However, it has become
apparent that the main international organizations do not submit information
about upcoming events.
The European Mammal Foundation (EMF, earlier Societas Europaea
Mammalogica or S.E.M.), Mammal Conservation Europe (MCE), BatLife
Europe and Bat Conservation International all avoid posting upcoming
meetings of interest to mammal or bat researchers. They are all focused on their
own activities exclusively, and include little or no news outside their own
sphere. The British Bat Conservation Trust post frequently meetings, courses and
conferences, mostly organized by them. But they do post external events when any
such do appears.
This makes even more important to anyone who wishes to remain
updated on news and future events.
Saturday 27 April 2024
5th World
Ecoacoustics Congress to be organized in Madrid ▲
World Ecoacoustics Congress (WEC) will be held from 8th to 12th July in Madrid.
Its aim is to bring together cutting-edge researchers and the international
scientific community around this emerging field. It is organized by the
International Society of Ecoacoustics, in cooperation with the University of
The conference serves as a global platform for researchers, scientists,
technicians, engineers and practitioners to review and debate advances in
ecoacoustics. During five days, it will take a tour of the past, present and
future of ecoacoustics, with a diverse program of talks, symposia, workshops and
other scientific, dissemination and social activities.
Combining knowledge from disciplines such as
ecoacoustics, bioacoustics, soundscape analysis, artificial intelligence,
community ecology, biogeography or conservation biology, the 5th WEC aims to go
beyond the borders between disciplines and to achieve a robust and far-reaching
multidisciplinary perspective that helps us improve our understanding of natural
communities, ecosystems and landscapes.
More information at
Saturday 20 April 2024
The Norwegian Species Database still controversial with poor
functionality ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 13 April 2024
S.E.M./EMF make
Russian scientists responsible for invasion of Ukraine ▲
extent of how far the mandate of a biological organization may go to criticize
political situations that is unrelated to their work, various a lot. However,
the general practice is that such comments are impropriate. Going down this path
means that there might be need for follow-ups, and how far does the involvement
of politics go, when it is not a part of the organizations coverage?
The European Mammal Foundation (formerly Societas Europaea
Mammalogica) issued in March 2023 a statement that they suspend cooperation
with Russian colleagues. The reason was that Russian authorities have gone to
war against the Ukraine, and that scientific cooperation between Russia and
Ukraine is proved to be impossible.
In war, there is no surprise that there are challenges when two
colleagues, representing two countries at war with each other, have problems in
cooperation. However, it is EMF as coordinating organization, to set the ground
rules that are practical and fair. After all, the representatives for EMMA-2, do
not represent the governments from their countries as they are not appointed by
the system, but are rather chosen for the information they can provide to the
European atlas.
However, EMF still cooperates with Belarusian in the project. The exclusion of
country representatives is not new for EMF, as country EMMA representatives have
been excluded earlier, not honouring agreements which the former leader François
de Beaufort had made.

Tony Mitchell-Jones has been the chair of S.E.M/EMF for almost 30 years.
Photo: Unknown. |
Saturday 6 April 2024
New Danish management plan covering bats ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 16 March 2024
meeting focus on replacement roosts for bats in buildings ▲
The 3rd International Bat
Research Online Symposium was held during Tuesday 12th of March. It
was a full day online seminar organized by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and
Wildlife Research in East Berlin.
This was the third IBROS organized by the institute, in which the first
was organized in November 2021, and second during January 2023. The symposium
this time was focused on bats in buildings, our knowledge about buildings being
renovated, and the impact this may have on bats. There were eight speakers, in
which two had 30 minutes each. The rest were short presentations on 15 each,
making the total length to 2 hours and 35 minutes.
The event was free, as it was a part of a project sponsored by BfN with
funds from the «Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit
und Verbraucherschutz» (BMUV).
Image to be added...
Saturday 24 February 2024
Swedish book on bats present false information ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 17 February 2024
Norwegian Species Observation System whitewash ownership of data ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 10 February 2024
many Party-colored Bats at NIFFs’ bat hospital ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 3 February 2024
Danish Environmental Protection Agency hides requirements for EIA
on bats ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 27 January 2024
Uncertainties around the new Anabat Ranger ▲
Last fall Titley Scientific
announced their plans for launching a new all-round
detector. The name was Anabat
Ranger. However, they have not circulated any information to their news
subscribers. But gradually, they have posted information on their web-pages.
Latest they informed on the price, in which revealed its price would be twice as
high of its predecessor Anabat Chorus. They do not indicate when the new
detector is for sale or weather it has been tested for its reliability. Both the
Anabat Express and Anabat Chorus had operational problems which
Titley did not test sufficiently before their respectively releases onto the

Photo: Anonymous (Titley Scientific). |
Saturday 20 January 2024
Cold records and snow covering the entire Scandinavia ▲
See the Nordic web-pages for details...
Saturday 13 January 2024
shipbuilding cause British Barbastelle population to nearly extinction ▲
A recent
study published in Journal of Applied Ecology show that bat numbers have
declined in Britain for several hundred years, starting during the early
colonial period. The cause of the decline is habitat destruction as trees were
felled for shipbuilding. This resulted in that the Barbastelle bat population
was reduced by 99%.
DNA from bats can reveal some of the past, indicating inbreeding and
reduced genetic diversity. When collecting other information as well, such as
changes in landscape and forest type cover, it is possible to show that both the
northern and southern Barbastelle populations have been severely reduced for the
last 500 years.
The research was led by a foreign student at the University of Exeter, in
collaboration with scientists from Italy, Spain and Portugal. [Razgour, O. et
al. 2024. J. Appl.
Ecol. 2024 (61):
160-172. ISSN 1365-2664.]

A Barbastell photographed in Larvik, Norway.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Wednesday 10 January 2024
11th European Bat Detector Workshop organized in September ▲
The last EBDW workshop was in Biddarai in 2018.
Due to interuption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the workshop was in Finland
was never carried out as planned. Now, with a physical European Bat Research
Conference in Catalonia during September 2024, we are announcing our plans for a
bat detector workshop.
The workshop will be held 6-10 of September at a
location within travel distance from the conference. NIFF and local bat workers
are cooperating to enable this traditional event to continue.
Details and pictures on the 11 EBDW is constantly
updated here.
Information on travel, local bat fauna and program will be presented as it
becomes available.
Information on earlier workshops (both the alpine
and the regular one) is available on The picture to the
right is from the European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop in Askim (Norway) during
2019. Laura Torent, here building her own bat detector, is also one of the
organizers from Catalonia.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 6 January 2024
guidelines are ignored by the Danish wind industry ▲
The Agreement on the Conservation
of Populations of European Bats is a part of the Bonn Convention
which covers European all migratory species bird and mammal species. The
agreement is signed by Denmark, making them obligated to respect it.
Søren Egelund Rasmussen from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency
represents the agreement on behalf of the authorities.
However, these recommendations seem only to be followed if instructions
from the ministry are issued. It is therefore of utmost importance that the
Ministry themselves inform the general public of the European recommendations.
The guidelines in which also Denmark has been involved in defining, is not for
there just for decoration.
Saturday 21 October 2023
3rd International Bat Research Online Symposium ▲
In 2021, Leibniz-IZW launched the symposium series
«International Bat Research Online Symposium»
(IBROS). The first online symposium of this series took place in November 2021
and addressed the conflict between bats and wind energy worldwide. The second
edition was held in January 2023 with a focus on commuting and migratory
movements of bats and the anthropogenic factors that influence these movements.
The next bat research online symposium will be held on 12th of March 2024 and
will focus on replacement roosts for bats at buildings.
This series of events is aimed at scientists,
experts as well as representatives of authorities and non-governmental
The symposium is this time sponsured, and thus
for free for all the participants. The lectures awill probably be available for
the participants to view for a limited time after the symposium. So if you are
working with on bats and roosts, you have no exuse not to join!
More information is available on Leibniz-IZW's
web page.

Saturday 14 October 2023
16th EBRS located to Tarragona in Catalonia September 2024 ▲
Finally the plans for the
next European Bat Research Symposium has been launched by the BiBio Research
Group (Natural Sciences Museum of Granollers) and Rovira i Virgili University.
The organizing committee consists of 13 well experienced bat workers.
The symposium will be held on 2-6 of September in
the Catalonian city of Tarragona. The city is also known as a World Heritage
Site as this was where the Roman city of Tarraco was located.
symposium web-page was recently launched. More information on current and
previous EBRS can be viewed on
At the same time NIFF is working on
the dates and location of the next European Bat Detector Workshop, which
traditionally has been organized just before or after the conference. Updates on
the workshop will be included on

Thursday 21 September 2023
CWW conference present bat research and mitigation ▲
During the fourth day of the conference week, a majority of the talks are
devoted to bat research and mitigation. With the high number of presentations,
the conference is holding to parallel sessions of talks. One of these are
devoted to bats.
The keynote speech is by Christian Voigt from the Leibniz
Institute in Eastern Berlin, covering «Towards solving the global wind
energy-bat conflict: Current state and future perspectives». The second
keynote speech is on bat populations in the Dominican Republic.
The highlights from these
and other
talks will be included
in the next number of Fennoscandian Bats.

Christian Voigt at the International Berlin Bat Meeting. Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Wednesday 20 September 2023
CWW with good international bat coverage, also outside Europe ▲
through the program and abstract book from the 7th CWW, it becomes apparent the
high number of bat related talks and posters. At least 117 talks and 82 posters
were scheduled when all topics were included, in which 106 talks were limited to
12 minutes. The number of bat related presentations were the highest of the
seven CWW conferences, sharing the record of 34 with the Vindval conference in
Stockholm 2013.
Generally the presentations represent projects and research
in countries with relatively good economy, stricter national wildlife laws and
institutions in which to implement the EIA and mitigation work. This was also
true for the 7th CWW, as Europe, USA and partly Australia were well represented.
However, there was more focus on old world fruit bats this time. Also bat
projects from countries such as Tunisia, Taiwan and the Dominican Republic, were
review of the conference will be included in the next number of Fennoscandian

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Tuesday 19 September 2023
CWW with over 500 participants ▲
the 7th Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife impacts was launched as the event
was opened by the organizers. The conference itself is a 3-day event, but
include pre-conference workshops and field trips, stretching it to five days.
It is always interesting to assess the conference impact and
importance for the target groups. According to the organizers over 500
participants from some 30 countries have registered,
from whom almost 200 presentations and posters have
been included.
details on participants become available, it will be possible to analyze the CWW
impact, as we then know what countries, companies, research institutions and
NGO's were represented. The full assessment on the CWW impact will be included
in the next number of Fennoscandian Bats.

Presentation from the 2nd CWW in Stockholm during 2013. Photo: Leif Yngve
Gjerde. |
Saturday 16 September 2023
Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts opens
in Croatia (CWW) ▲
Every two years the wind industry and their allies
organize a conference on wind energy and wildlife impacts.
The first conference was organized in Norway during 2011.
This year the conference is located to the
Croation town of Šibenic. Organizers are the
Institute for Applied Ecology (Oikon Ltd.) and
Supernatural Ltd. They have hired in an agency who manages the practical
aspects of the conference.
The five-day conference is open from Monday 18th
through Friday 22nd of September. NIFF will follow the conference closely,
reporting on events and information connected to this gathering. A full review
of the conference will also follow in our international newsletter
Fennoscandian Bats and NIFF's Scandinavian membership magazine
Newsclipps will follow here during the conference,
and scientific results will be revieled in our newsclips during the next months.

Thursday 13 April 2023
20th International Bat Research Conference ▲
During the 19th International
Bat Research Conference (IBRC) in Austin (Texas, U.S.A.) it was decided to
organize the next conference in Australia during 2025.
The first IBRC was organized during 1968 in
Since this conference has been held 19 times, rotating between countries and
continents. Since the conference has been organized every three years (with four
exceptions). The 8th EBRC was organized in Australia during 1989
The conference will be organized in Cairns during
August 2025, 36 years after last (and only) time the conference was located to
Australia. The organizers for the upcomming event are
the Australasian Bat Society (ABS) and
the Pacific Bat Conservation Network (PacBat).

Picture shows the poster session at the 15th
IBRC in Praha 2010. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 1 April 2023
British bat enthusiast Tony Hutson passed away ▲
British bat enthusiast
and veteran died on 16th February at an age of around 79 years (born 1944).
Anthony Michael Hutson played a central role in
British and European bat politics. He was one of the founders of the British
Bat Conservation Trust and edited its newsletter Bat News for a
number of years. He was also a member of the IUCN's Species Specialist Group
on bats, and one of the engineers to the European Bats Agreement.
You can read his obituary on the British Bat
Conservation Trust
web page.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 18 February 2023
Unusual winter mating activity by the Parti-colored Bat ▲
In 1994 Leif Gjerde started to study the Party-colored Bat's distribution in Skandinavia
during the mating season. All the coastal towns from Halden to Stavanger were
mapped, in addition to a number of Swedish and Danish towns. Since our
knowledge on the species' fall activity has increased significantly. However,
our knowledge of winter and spring activity is limited.
The mating season of the Parti-colored Bat starts in September and lasts
till December. It is the weather conditions that limit the activity towards the
end of the season. So mating calls may occationally be heard during winter or
spring if the conditions are favorable. Bengt Edqvist had a passive detector
deployed at the Swedish village Taberg in Småland this winter. He recorded
advertisment calling males during 10.-12. Januar and 11. to 13. February.
The book
Social Calls of the Bats of Britain and Ireland was published in its
second edition last year. It includes updated knowledge which has been aquired
by Gjerde, mostly from the township of Romsås in Oslo. If you wish to learn more
about the
Parti-colored bat or the project at
Romsås in Oslo, you can browse their web-pages.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 28 January 2023
Conference provide new knowledge on bat migration ▲
Just recently
Christian C. Voigt
and his staff from the
Leibniz Institute
of Zoo and Wildlife Research organized the
International Bat Research Online Symposium.
The symposium was organized during 24th and 25th of February, and was focused on
daily and seasonal movements in bats. Around
people from
countries participated in the webinar which
presented a number of lectures and posters during the two day event. A book of
abstracts has been produced.
A review of the symposium will be
included in the next number of
Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
10 December 2022
New book for inspiration published by Fenton and Rydell ▲
A new handbook on
bat ecology is soon available from Pelagic Publishing. The book has been under
production for a while, but will be available next year. The Exetor based
publisher is launching the book
«A miscellany of bats»,
on behalf of Fenton and the late Swedish scientist Rydell.
Melville Brock
Fenton is an honorary professor at the Univerity of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.
Jens Rydell was a scientist and photographer working for the University of Lund
in Scania (Skåne, Sweden). Both authors have a PhD on bats, and devoted their
lives to bat science and conservation.
The book has now
been printed, and will be available from 10. January next year. The cost will be
30 pounds. The book has ISBN number 978-1-78427-294-4.
We have received a copy from the publisher, and a
book review will be presented in the next issue of Fennoscandian Bats.
15 October 2022
New Arctic Bat
Species ▲
On 3rd of October a Brown
Noctule (Nyctalus noctula) was observed in the vicinity of Målselv river
(69°N) in Inner Troms (Norway). It was
discovered hanging on the wheel of a wheel barrel by the owner Laila Solberg.
Four days later it was checked by a bat scientist from the University of Troms.
It was then dead. How long the bat had been dead, and when it first appeared is
This region of Norway has a small population of
the Northern Bat, and together with the Pasvik area, are the northern most
populations of bats in the world.
The Noctule is known as a long-distance migrant.
The northernmost population in Norway exist around Kongsvinger 60°
north. However, individuals have been found as far north as Tynset (62°N). The
first and only record of this species, in which it was inspected alive, was done
on Finnøy near Stavanger in Southwestern Norway.
More information on the Arctic find will be
included in the next number of Fennoscandian Bats.

Noctule Bat. Photo: François Schwaab. |
Saturday 17 September 2022
Zero Crossing is
still superior to Full Spectrum ▲
Australian firm Titley Scientific and Chris Corben developed during the
beginning of the 2000’s a passive detector for monitoring bat activity by
recording their calls. At that time battery power and SD card storage capacity
was a significant limitation, thus a huge problem
for bat researcher.
It reduced the length of each deployment
To overcome this problem
Corben developed
a detector sampling in
Zero Crossing (ZC), which in essences require no storage space
accompanied by low battery consumption.
However, most European scientists have generally not accepted Zero Crossing
as a competent identification tool for bats. During recent years newer detector
models have included both Full Spectrum and Zero Crossing, to
enable selling it to the entire global market. But the tendency is that Zero
Crossing might be faced out over time.
During fieldwork carrying out Environmental Impact Assessments at two wind
turbine projects in Denmark, it became evident that Zero Crossing still
is superior to Full Spectrum when monitoring bats over longer periods.
Already after the third night (30 hours of operation) the SD cards were full.
This suggest
that ZC will be superior to FS for many years to come. Furthermore, Zero
Crossing is the underlying technology used when automated identification
software, such as Wildlife Acoustics’ Kaleidoscope, is used.

Chris Corben is the creator of Zero Crossing. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 10 September 2022
Mating season for the Parti-colored Bat has started ▲
This species forage above lakes during summer, and migrate to nearby cities
during fall where it mates and hibernate. During the mating season it performs
its display flight with a sound audible to most people below 55 in age. Tall
buildings are chosen, typically apartment buildings of 9 stories or more.
However, industrial buildings, silos, churches, quarries or even natural cliffs
may be selected if they are tall enough.
The stronghold of the species lie in southern Scandinavia (south of
Oslo-Stockholm), which include Aarhus and Copenhagen. It is also commonly found
in northern Germany. In the rest of Europe it seems to have a patchy
distribution. However, the species absence probably reflects the lack of bat
workers surveying this species during the fall months, rather then its actual
The season starts in September and lasts till Christmas if the weather permits.
Their display flight may still be observed during 0ºC and with landscape covered
in snow! It is found as far south as Slovenia and Switzerland, and fall records
of migratory individuals has been made in the Pyrenees. During recent years it
has been reported annually from bat hospitals in the south of England.
We wish tips of any European observations made during the fall or winter, For more
information about this species and its fall activities may be viewed at

The Parti-colored Bat. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde.. |
Saturday 20 August 2022
Social Calls of the Bats of Britain published in new edition ▲
The second edition of
this book was published by Pelagic Publishing this summer. It is a quite
extended and updated version of the first edition which was published eight
years ago. This 301 page book, written by Neil Middleton, Andrew Froud and Keith
French, describe the social calls of 23 bat species both resident and vagrant to
Britain and Ireland. In reality this covers most species in Central and Northern
Europe. The book has up-to-date
information with 280 figures and 61 tables. A supplementary sound library is
included, where calls illustrated in the text may be downloaded from a sound
library on the www.
NIFF has contributed considerably to the book, especially when concerning the
Northern Bat and the Parti-colored Bat.
The book is a must for any bat worker working with bat sound. A full review will
be available in the December number of Fennoscandian Bats.
Saturday 13 August 2022
Albino bat found in
Color mutations may occur
in wild animals from time to time. Albinism
is the most known form, and may occure regardless of the species' normal color.
Of the around 1.400 bat species registered on Earth, albinism has been found in
around 40 species.
Recently it was
reported of an albino bat at the bat hospital at the Zoological Garden of Zürich
in Switzerland. It was a juvenile pipistrell which was registered on the 12th of
July. The bat was first reeived by ParkVets in the Swiss town Goldau.
Source: Bat-News 07/2022,
Newsletter from Stiftung Fledermausschutz

A colony of Actophylla alba
in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. Photographers
pseudonym: Leyo. Source: Wikipedia. |
Saturday 23 July 2022
Greater Mouse-eared Bat
expanding range in Sweden
The Greater Nouse-eared Bat
was first time recorded in Sweden during February 1985. It was found at a
hibernation site in
Fyledalen in Scania (Skåne) by Rune Gerell and
Karin G. Lundberg. This species has never been found in Denmark or Finland.
Furthermore, it has not been recorded from the former Danish areas of northern
However, now the species seem to reveal itself from several localities in
southern Sweden. Annual observations, also at new localities, have been
registered since
2014, which indicate
the species might be expanding its range. If the expansion is actual, or just a
result of increased fieldwork, remains to be seen. Regardless, this species seem
to have a permenent population in Skåne and the nearby areas, in which it has
been found around 60 times.

Stormusøre (Myotis myotis). Photo: François Schwaab. |
Saturday 25 June 2022
Nathusius Pipistrelle flew from Russia to Lake Geneva in 63 days▲
The Natusius Pipistrell
is known for migrating long distances in Europe.
It crosses the North Sea between Scandinavia and Scotland, but also between
Estonia and the Netherlands.
Little is known about how it chooses its migration route.
But it
is most natural if
follow landscape elements such as coastlines and rivers.
This species is considered the longest-migrating species in Europe, and there
are constant reports of
being found after long distances.
In April, a Russian article was published in which a
which had been
in Borok in northwestern Russia, was recovered in the village of Lully on the
French side of Lake Geneva.
It had then covered a distance of 2,486 km, assuming it flew in a straight line.
One must, however, assume that it has followed the landscape, which probably
in a flight distance of over 3,000 km!
is probably a world record for long-flying bats.
The bat that was
was a one-year-old female that was
on 25 July 2009. It was recovered on 26 September of the same year.
By then only 63 days had passed.
So the bat must have flown 40-50
every night.

A Nathusius Pipistrelle found between Norway and Scotland. Photo:
Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Wednesday 22 June 2022
2nd IBROS to
be organized in January 2023
Christian Voigt and Josepha Prügel from the
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
announced earlier today that they will be organizing the 2nd International
Bat Research Online Symposium on 24. and 25. of January next year. The
symposium is organized together with the Eurobats Secretariat, and has
got the title Daily and seasonal movements of bats.
Deadline for abstracts is set to 16th of October. Registration and abstract
submission, together with a preliminary programme will eventually be available
on their
Saturday 11 June 2022
New bat book launched by Pelagic Publishing
26th of July the Exetor based British firm Pelagic Publishing are
planning to lauch their book «A
miscellany of bats»,
published by Fenton and Rydell.
Melville Brock Fenton is an honorary professor at the University of Waterloo in
Ontario, Canada. Jens Rydell was a bat researcher and photographer at Lund
University in Sweden. The authors have both a PhD on bats, with a lifelong
dedication to bat research.
For the time being
Pelagic shares little information of their new book.
It is suppose to cover all aspects of bat biodiversity, ecology and their
natural history.
The book is schedualed to be launched on 26th of
July, with a cost of UKP 30. It will be available in paperback. However, number
of pages and format has not yet been released. The ISBN number is
Saturday 28 May 2022
All reports on bats in
municipalities is now being
registered ▲
NIFF is now
all reports registered
in public offices and
in which they have
requested survey work.
surveys could be the result of an Environmental Impact
triggered by the Planning and Building Act, or
in force of their obligation to have knowledge of their local bat fauna in
public planning and management.
The reports are to be included in our bibliography on bat literature in
Scandinavia, but are also an important source of the animals' distribution and
Furthermore, we will also investigate whether the Nature
Diversity Act
the Environmental Information Act and the Planning and Building Act are being
followed up in the municipalities.
All the 356 municipalities in Norway, 290 in
Sweden and 98 in Denmark are included in the survey.
Saturday 30 April 2022
Migrating bats tolerate higher wind speeds
A Dutch study showed that
Nathusius's Pipistrelle
P. nathusii is more tolerant of stronger winds than
the Banded Pipistrelle
P. pipistrellus.
This was especially true during
migration when there was wind from the east or northeast.
Banded Pipistrelle
showed no favoritism of this wind direction.
The results show that observations around the wind
turbines' rotors during higher wind speeds
concern migrating
Nathusius's Pipistrelles,
and that there are large differences in wind tolerance between
and stationary individuals.
Source: Boonman, Martijn;
Roland Vliet & Astrid Potiek.
Bat activity in windfarms during high wind speed: is migration a contributing
Book of abstracts of oral and poster presentations of the 6th Conference on wind
energy and wildlife impacts.
125 pages.

A pipistrelle during flight.
Photo: Francois Schwaab. |
Saturday 16 April 2022
6th Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife Impacts
ended successfully
Last week the
6th Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife Impacts (CWW)
was ended after a five day conference.
This conference is organized every two years, and this time the Netherlands had
the honor. The conference focus on wildlife threatened by wind turbine
activities. Birds and bats are especially vulnerable, but also other wild life
such as Reindeer.
During more recent years off-shore wind turbines have received increased
attention. For instance the industry might influence spawning areas for Atlantic
A review of the
conference will be presented in the next issue of Fennoscandian Bats.

Saturday 9 April 2022
Mines are important for detecting
rare bat species
Caves and
mines are used by many bat species as
They choose cool and frost-free locations with high humidity when they
start to hibernate
for several months until March
In Southern and Central Europe we find in many caves and mines thousands of
overwintering bats.
We also find such mines in Denmark (Mønsted, Daugbjerg and Thingbæk).
But in Norway, Sweden and Finland the numbers are quite small, where a few dozen
animals are considered many.
Nevertheless, these mines are important.
Not for bats, but for bat researchers.
are difficult to detect
during summer using
traditional methods such as bat detectors or capture techniques,
but may during
winter easily
be discovered as
the animals are dormant and can easily be observed up close.
Examples of such
discoveries is the Bechstein's Bat in Scania (Skåne)
and the Barbastelle
in Vestfold.

The Barbastell was rediscovered during March 2004 in Norway, as it was
recorded from a water tunnel.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde.
Saturday 26 March 2022
Swedish wind turbine firm Vattenfall plan expantion in North Sea
In Norway, Vattenfall and the Norwegian company
Seagust have formed a joint venture.
Via the joint venture, the companies will offer licenses in the areas Utsira
Nord and Sørlige Nordsjø II in the North Sea.
The Norwegian government has previously announced that it plans to build new
wind power with a capacity of up to 4.5 GW, consisting of both floating and
bottom-mounted wind turbines.
The licensing process is expected to continue in 2022.

Saturday 26 Februar 2022
6th CWW conference in Netherlands
goes as planned
first CWW meeting was organized in Trondhjem during May 2011, followed by the
Vindval conference in Stockholm during February 2013. NIFF participated
at both conferences. Since, it has been organized every two
years, hosted in Berlin, Lisbon and Stirling.
The 6th
Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts (CWW) will be organized by Bureau
Waardenburg Ecology & Landscape. It was
from last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is scheduled to go forward as
planned in Egmond aan Zee in the Netherlands during 4. - 8.
Saturday 19 Februar 2022
The Norwegian Government investing in North Sea
offshore wind turbines
On 9 February, the Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre presented the plan
to expand the Southern North Sea II with floating wind turbines.
The first phase of the Southern North Sea II will be 1500 megawatts.
This corresponds to the consumption of 460,000 households.
Expensive solutions with transport of energy lead to the development being less
profitable, and therefore the Government has plans to subsidize the development.
It is estimated that the first wind turbines will be ready between 2025 and
It is
known that bats
between Rogaland and Scotland.
Almost every year, bats appear on oil drilling platforms in the North Sea, and
most recently in the autumn of 2019,
two discoveries of
were made on the Ula platform.
of migratory bats
the North Sea is minimal, and as of today no impact assessments have been
carried out in this area.
is in
violation of
a number of Norwegian environmental protection laws and the European bats

Offshore wind turbines in the Baltic Sea, visible from the Øresund
Bridge. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde.
Saturday 12 Februar 2022
Looking for sponsors
The web-page reaches almost 100 unique viewers in average every day.
These are targeted bat workers who visit our pages exclusively.
We are looking to develop these web-pages
extensively, and also include a few additional web-address' we already manage.
We do not use pop-ups or other dynamic commercials on our web-pages, and hope
they will be free of this in the future.
However, we are looking for a main sponsor, and
maybe one or two supplement sponsors who manufacture or resell bat research
equipment. The sponsors will have exclusive access to promote their company and
products on our web-pages.
If you are interested, please contact us
( for further
details and discussion.

The logo to NIFF is a Northern Bat flying over the sea as the midnight
sun sets in the horizon. Drawing:
Peter Twisk.
Wednesday 26 January 2022
The European Bats Agreement is 30 years
The European Bats
Agreement was signed in London on the 4th of December 1991. The Agreement
put forward a number of demands which national authorities need to implement.
The contents of the agreement does not take effect before it has been integrated
into national law and regulations.
Law and legislation both in Scandinavia and
within the EU are relatively sufficient for bat protection. Both the bats and
their habitats are relatively good protected, and there are high requirement to
Environmental Impact Assessments and follow up mitigation. However, the
European Bats Agreement has had little, if any, impact on national and local
management of bats.
Mostly, legislation in favor of wildlife is
ignored or overlooked. It is the management authorities themselves who violate
the rules, including local, regional and national level. Also institutions such
as road authorities violate the rules on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the
nature protection authorities are mostly passive and careful and withdrawn when
it comes to follow-up of the bats agreement. For instance Norway has no
Norwegian version of the agreements text for at least the ten first years of the
agreement, and the Regional Environmental Protection Agencies had not received
the agreement text. It was first in 2019 that the Norwegian Directorate for
Nature Management formed guidelines for how bats are to be treated in wind
turbine planning and construction. And still, to this date, no EIA has been
carried out in Norway on bats and wind turbines!
In connection to NIFF's 25 year jubilee, we are
now writing a booklet addressing all the violations of the agreement done in
Scandinavia. Norway reaches first place on number of serious violations, but
both Denmark and Sweden have some serious issues as well.
information will also be presented in future issues of
Fennoscandian Bats.

Østerild testcenter does not monitor spring migration. The northern part
of Denmark is a natural bottle-neck for spring migration of birds. However,
bats were not studied during the most important season. Photo:
Leif Yngve Gjerde
Wednesday 19 January 2022 reach 35 000 visitors a year
The Batlife Information web-page, covering European bat news and bat related
information, has so far had a relatively low visiting rate.
The people who visit these web-pages are already interested in bats, often
looking for specific information or upadting themselves with news. However, in
relation to the number of bat workers in Europe, the number of visits has so far
been constant but low.
During the
first week of January the number of daily visits reached over 100 each day.
Largest count of unique visits for one day was 119. On
an annual basis this adds up to over 35000 visits! However, the number of
visits may vary a lot between seasons, and is also influenced by bat conferences
and workshops. The actual number for 2022 will be measured at the end of this
The web-statistics is an important tool to
guide future editing priorities. However, the results from the first week of
this year inspires to more frequent and updated news. At the same time we
encourage bat workers to send us your local news, reports or articles. Much of
this information is also interesting for a wider range of bat enthusiasts.

Saturday 8 January 2022
We wish
our readers a Happy New Year
The past year had many challenges with the Covid-19 pandemic. Postponed
conferences from 2020 were planned for 2021. However, the pandemic was even more
aggressive during last year, forcing all physical meetings in Europe (except
Sweden) to be cancelled. On top of this we lost our two most important bat
scientists as Ingemar Ahlén and Jens Rydell both died. Travel between
Scandinavian countries has also been a challenge due to freedom restrictions.
This has affected NIFF’s fieldwork.
On the bright side, last year had a European record high of
number of bat conferences. This was because all the physical conferences were
organized «online» as web-meetings.
NIFF has now existed for 25 years, and also others
are celebrating their jubilees this coming year. I hope 2022 will strengthen the
bat work in Europe.

Leif Gjerde checking a hibernating Brown Long-eared Bat. Photo:
Lea Likozar.
Monday 20 December 2021
Welsh bat enthusiast died
Tomas Peat McOwat, born on 20. October 1947, was a
Scottish artist, printmaker and naturalist. In 1974 he moved to Wales where he
has lived since. He was heavily involved in bat research, surveys, training and
promoting an awareness of bats and their need for protection.
McOwat has always been interested in wildlife and
the countryside. He had a particular interest for small mammals, and bats
especially after a meeting with Bob Stebbings in 1970.
web-page is still
updated by family, and has much information about his work. Also
British BCT has an interesting summery of his bat work through the years.
was a friendly, open minded and sympathetic bat
worker. He frequently attended the European
bat conferences. The illustration photo
(right) is taken during the post conference trip to the 15th International Bat
Research Conferene in Prague during August 2010. More pictures of McOwat can be
viewed at our picture gallery.
He died peacefully in Carmarthen (Southwest
Wales) on Wednesday 27. October, at an age of 74. He will be greatly missed...

Tom McOwat, Merlin Tuttle (the founder of Bat Conservation International)
and Leif Gjerde from NIFF on the post conference excurtion in Moravia,
Czechia during August 2010.
Photo: Knut Åge Storstad.
Thursday 9 December 2021
Workshop on bats and building insulation
This webinar, originally addressed as a workshop,
was organized over Internet. The topics were related to necessary bat mitigation
when using lining and insulation materials in buildings. The seminar was a
contribution to implement Resolution 8.9 in the European Bats Agreement «Bats, Insulation and Lining Materials».
The Czech Bat
Society, EuroBats
and Ministry
of the Environment of the Czech Republic
were all hosts to the seminar. The ministry
also financed the event.
There was a
total of seven lectures, with room for several more. The seminar was extremely
interesting, covering a relatively new and little studies topic in bat research.
Several lectures presented own results on mitigation, mostly related to eastern
central Europe.
NIFF participated on the event, and information
from the lectures will be integrated in our work. The seminar is more
extensively described in Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Wednesday 3 November 2021
IBROS organized by the Leibniz Institute
Yesterday the Leibniz Institute in Berlin organized a one-day seminar on bats
and wind energy. The webinar was addressed as the first «International Bat
Research Online Symposium», and was titled Towards solving the wind energy-bat
conflict. We expect that there are IBROS's to come in the following years.
NIFF participated in the 1st IBROS, and
the seminar will be presented in the next number of Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 30 October 2021
European bat conference on hibernating bats
This year seems to contain
an unusual high number of conferences. In part this is because of over-due
conferences as a result of the Covid-pandemic in 2021. With the pandemic still
ongoing in 2022, with no prospects for any end, many have decided to organize
online conferences. This has resulted in an unusual high number of seminars (webinars).
webinar contained exclusively lectures, and was marking the end of the Natura Viadrina +
prosject. The work was supported by EU's INTERREG VA Brandenburg – Polen 2014-2020
programme. The seminar was organized during three days (26. - 28. November) by
the Euronatur foundation. It was free for everyone to join.
NIFF participated in the webminar, and the event
will be presented in the next number of Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
10 May 2021
original and successful bat conference in Turku
Last week, the 15th European Bat Research Symposium was organized by the
University of Turku and the Helsinki Museum of Natural History.
The conference was scheduled for last August 2020, but had to be moved to August
2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
After some fuss with the choice of time, the conference was finally held from 4
to 7 May.
It was organized as an internet conference.
organizers had found good and functional platforms for the conference, and the
participants probably felt that this was really a
and not just another webinar.
The conference was
with 236 participants from 34 countries, and a number of new research results
were presented
posters and lectures.
This conference was characterized by the proportion of more researchers and
topics outside Europe than normal,
compared with previous conferences.
A more in-depth article about the conference can be read in the autumn issue of Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 10 April 2021
Internationally renowned bat researcher Jens Rydell has died
One of the world's most renowned bat researchers, the Swede Jens Rydell, died of
a heart attack at the age of 67 on 8 April.
He grew up
in Västergötland, where for several years he was also associated with the
University of Gothenburg.
For several decades, he has
built up an international reputation for high-quality research.
He was a pioneer in several of his studies, and in recent years he contributed
significantly to research on bats and wind turbines through the Vindval project.
He was a life-time member of NIFF.
A more
in-depth article about his work can be read in the spring issue of Gudnoloddi
and Fennoscandian Bats.
He will
be greatly missed.

Jens Rydell
a lecture at the Vindval conference in Stockholm 2013.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Thursday 25 March 2021
International Berlin Bat Meeting
International Berlin Bat Meeting have through the years been organized by the Leibniz
Institute in Berlin.
In average this event has been organized every two years, but was postponed from
2019 due to a conflicting event. In 2020 the
Covid-19 pandemic
the event even further. The still on-going pandemic this spring resulted in that
the Leibniz Institute did not wish to move the event yet another time. So it was
organized as a webinar.
This years online
IBBM was the sixth to be held. It was carried out during three days from
to 24th of March. It is important to keep updated on bat research and results,
so NIFF joined the webinar. The event, and some of its results, will be
presented in the next issue of Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Tuesday 23 March 2021
Titley launched the new Chorus
detector at IBBM
Today Titley Scientific launched their new
detector at the International Berlin Bat Webinar (Meeting). The Chorus
detector is a weather proof device able to record both ultra- and audible sound.
It has a built in GPS and is powered by AA batteries. This means that also birds,
frogs, wolves and other audible animals may now be recorded.
The news is totally new. Titley has hidden their
cards well, not even sending out the information on their newsletters. As of
today, even their web-page do not include information about this new detector,
only allowing us to find it indirectly. Untill now Wildlife Acoustics
have been alone on the market with audible detectors, and Titley's new device is
a strong contribution to open competition.
The detector will be described in the July issue
of Fennoscandian Bats, if we are able to accuire one for testing.
Monday 22 March 2021
November webinar:
«A global assessment of the wind energy -
bat conflict»
Christian C. Voight from the Leibniz Institute
for Zoo and Wildlife Research announced at the International Berlin Bat
Webinar (Meeting) that they are planning to organize a webinar entitled
assessment of the wind energy - bat conflict». It will be a one day event,
organized on 2. November. Furter information will follow on their web page The webinar will be in English.

Picture show Danish wind turbines.
Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Thursday 18 March 2021
EUROBATS celebrate 30th
This year it is thirty years since the European
Bats Agrement was signed. EUROBATS is the name of the administration located
in Bonn (West Germany). They function as a secretariat for the countries who
have signed the agreement.
NIFF has
started to make a summary of how the Nordic countries (Iceland excluded) have
implemented the agrrement. The results will be presented in the December issue
of Fennoscandian Bats.
10 February 2021
The Swedish bat legend Ingemar Ahlén died at the age of 87
Ingemar Ahlén
was born on
29th of
July 1936
in Värmland.
He was a Swedish ecologist
the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) where he, among other
studied bats.
He discovered in the late 1970s that bat species could be distinguished
their ultrasound.
published identification
literature in Swedish and English, and was the first in the world
within his
He has since been central in mapping the distribution of Swedish bats, and
described several new species for Sweden.
In recent years he has also been involved in research on bats at wind turbines
both on land and offshore.
He has also described
in Swedish bats.
Ahlén was taken from us far too soon when he died on 6 February.
Unfortunately, he contracted the Covid-19 virus which contributed to his death.
He still had a lot to do to contribute to
will be greatly missed.
A more in-depth article about his work can be read
in the spring issue of Fennoscandian Bats.

Ingemar Ahlén
the Vindval conference in Stockholm 2013.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Thursday 4 February 2021
4th EABDW in Edinburgh
has been cancelled
The fourth European Alpine Bat Detector
Workshop was planned to be held in Edinburgh during September this year.
However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and practical issues connected to the
outbrake, the planned workshop in Edinburgh has been cancelled. We are
working on an alternative location this September, alternatively the one in
Scotland will be organized next year.
More information will click

The Anabat Walkabout being tested at the 2nd EABDW in Vercors, France.
Photo: Leif Yngev Gjerde. |
Tuesday 19 January 2021
11th European Bat Detectors
Workshop has been cancelled
Due to the European Bat Research Symposium
in Turku (Finland) has been cancelled, there is no point in organizing the
Since the first workshop (EBDW) in the
Netherlands was organized in 1991, these workshops have always been organized in
connection to the European Bat Research Symposium. Organizing the
workshop just prior or after the symposium allows people to combine their
travel. Furthermore, the workshop functions as an extention of the symposium.
The next workshop will be held at the next
European Bat Research Symposium, given that the EBRS is not organized as a

Chris Corben at the 8th EBDW in Aukstadvaris (Lithuania) during August
2011. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Friday 8 January 2021
Wildlife Acoustics launch new passive
Today, Wildlife Acoustics
announced their new detector the Song Meter Micro will be for sale from
March. It is not launched as a «new generation» detector, but rather the «next
in line», supplementing their SongMeter 4 Bat and SongMeter Mini Bat
The SM Mini Bat seems to be a short lived
detector. Microphones are always the weakest link concerning detectors due to
its short life expectancy (1-3 season). With this built into the detector, this
limits the detectors overall lifespan. Furthermore, the warranty is only for one
year (shorter then the 3-year EU regulated warranty), indicating the
manufacturer have low expectations of their product. Otherwise the detector is
based on Bluetooth 4.0 communication to enable operations, a feature that will
good for some users and an obstical for others.
Earlier it was the competition between the
manufacturers Wildlife Acoustics and Titley Scientific that cut
the market prices of mass produced detectors. Today there is becoming more
evident that cheap «home made» detectors such as the CloudedBats (WURB) detector
or the BlueBox detector might be just as good, and a better alternative for the
consumer. The cost of these two detectors are 500 and 160 euro. It is evident
that Wildlife Acoustics have tried to meet this competition by producing their
own alternative low-budget detector. Its real cost is around 345 US dollars (batteries
and SD card excluded).
The Song Meter Micro detector will be
presented in the next number of Fennoscandian Bats, where we also hope to
include some test results.
Tuesday 5 January 2021
European Bat Research Symposium 2020/2021 cancelled
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainties regarding its
development this year, the symposium organizers have decided to cancel the
conference. There is uncertainties
weather the next conference will be in 2023 or 2024.
The organizers have decided to replace the conference with a webinar. It
will be organized on 4th through 7th of May, just after the other European
webinar (organized by Leibniz Institute) has been finished. This means that two
events, which traditionally have been complementary, now have become competitors
due to the poor timing.
For more information
and updates on the webinar check their web page

Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Wednesday 9 December 2020
First Danish
wind turbine project ever to be legally stopped due to bats
wind turbine project
at Nørrekær Enge, just
south of Limfjorden in
Denmark, has
included the planning of 36 new wind turbines to the existing ten.
The area is close to a Natura 2000 area in
which the
presence of Pond
Bats is one of the
reasons the area has been designated special protection.
A legal committee has withdrawn the construction permit
given by the two municipalities involved. The reasons for the withdrawal is that
The environmental
report (EIA)
is based on incorrect assumptions about the
Bat's way of flying
and (2)
The bat
made in the area as a part of the EIA, has been insufficient
given the size of the project area and the location close to the Natura 2000
The owner of the
project is the energy company Vattenfall, which is 100% owned by the Swedish
government. They have trough the project Vindval developed methodology on how to
carry out EIA at wind turbine projects. This work is extremely extensive, going
on for around 10 years. However, these standards Vattenfall has not applied on
their own project abroad.
More information will be available in the next
number of Fennoscandian Bats.

The first EIA on bats and wind
turbines in Denmark was carried out by Naturopa Consultancies for Just Wind A/S
at Barløse in Assens. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Thursday 6 August 2020
Wind farm
project stopped in Brittany by French court
The French
web site Ouest France reported on 4 August that
the Rennes
administrative court has just cancelled the decree of 20 November 2017 which
authorized the construction of a wind farm on the border between Caro and
Monterrein, near Ploërmel (Morbihan).
The decision was made by
the court on 30 July, overturning an earlier construction permit. The
construction of 8 turbines, reaching 178 meters in height, has now been stopped
due to high biodiversity of bats.
A total of 16
species had been recorded, and the court agreed that the risk of bat mortality
was too high. The wind turbine company’s plan for preventing excessive mortality
and monitoring was not sufficient.

Picture show Danish wind turbines.
Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
4 July 2020
IUCN wish to protect bats from
human-spread Corona-virus
On 12th
April the IUCN Bat Specialist Group issued recommendations around the suspension
of bat fieldwork, where handling bats or entering roosts was involved. The IUCN
recommendations were issues to reduce any possibility of transmission of the
COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) from humans to bats. At this time there is a high
level of uncertainty about the likelihood of such transmission being possible.
The recommendations apply the precautionary principle whilst a group of
researchers are undertaking rapid risk assessments and we hope they will share
their findings as soon as these are available for each global geographic region
(they are starting with North America).
(Source: British BCT)

30 June 2020
European bat species discovered
Gaisler’s Long-eared Bat Plecotus gaisleri has now been recognized as a
European bat species, with a limited distribution in the Mediterranean basin.
Published material based on field surveys and molecular analysis has now
confirmed the species to occur in Italy (Pantelleria) (Ancillotto et al.
2020) and the islands of Malta and Gozo (Mifsud & Vella 2019).
This species was described in 2004 using a specimen from
north-eastern Libya. It was then dedicated as a subspecies (Plecotus
teneriffae gaisleri) to the Canary Long-eared Bat. Earlier this subspecies
has been associated to the Brown Long-eared Bat and then the Grey Log-eared Bat.
Last it was placed as a subspecies to Mediterranean Long-eared Bat, before it
was acknowledged as a separate species.

A Brown Long-eared Bat in a Norwegian church..
Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 2 May 2020
International renowned bat scientist Thomas Kunz died at age 81
Thomas Henry Kunz,
distinguished biologist and Boston University Professor, passed away on 13th of
April at the age of 81 due to complications of COVID-19. He had since 2011 spent
his time at a nursing home due to brain injuries from a car accident while he
attended a conference in Toronto.
Kunz joined the faculty in
the Department of Biology at Boston University in 1971. His research focused on
the ecology, behavior, evolution, and conservation biology of bats. He is the
author or co-author of more than 280 publications, and edited or coedited six
books on the biology and ecology of bats. He was also involved in organizing the
10th International Bat Reserach Conference held
in Boston during 1995. The professor was, perhaps, most productive at the age of
73 in 2011, when he coached seven PhD students and active grants from six
different agencies.
If you wish to honor Kunz,
you may do so by a donation to the Tom Kunz Endowed Biology Fund. You can
find more information
You can read about his
biography at
Bosten University.
obituary tells about his life and accomplishements, as well as
Best of memories...

Thomas Kunz on the field trip during the 10th European Bat Research
Symposium in Galliu, Ireland.
Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Tuesday 28 April 2020
European Bat Detector Workshop has been postponed
Corona pandemic, and all the society restrictions it has caused, has resulted in
that 15th
European Bat Research Symposium in Finnish Turku has been postponed till August
next year.
This means that the 11th European Bat Detector
Workshop will also be postponed.
This is organized by NIFF,
directly after the symposium in Turku.

Chris Corben at the Bat Detector Workshop in Lithuania. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Tuesday 28 April 2020
EBRS 2020 postponed to 2021
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic and many uncertainties regarding the
developments in the next few months, the conference organizers decided Thursday
last week to
postpone 15th European Bat Research Symposium until 2021.
The new dates are
2. to 6. August 2021.
For more information
and updates check their web page
Pictures from previous
meetings may be viewed

Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
13 March 2020
6th International Berlin Bat
Meeting has been cancelled
The Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
originally planned on organizing
the 6th International Berlin Bat Meeting during 23-25 March 2020.
Unfortunately it has now been cancelled due to the spread of the Corona virus
(SARS CoV 2) which may give the desease COVID-19.
Christian C. Voigt and
Tanja Straka announced today in an e-mail:
regret to inform you that we had to postpone the upcoming
Berlin Bat Meeting: The human perspective on bats
due to the pandemic spread of SARS CoV 2. We are no longer allowed to host
conferences in Berlin at this point. We envisage having the conference in March
For more information
and updates check their web page
Pictures from previous
meetings may be viewed

Christian C. Voigt during the meeting in 2015. Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 15 February 2020
Neil Middleton publish milestone book
The new book
"Is that a bat?" describes sounds we can detect on an ultrasonic
detector. That is, all sounds, except those from the bats themselves. There is
still a lot of lack in
knowledge about the bats'
ultrasound. Traditionally we have
focused on the animals' search
feeding buzzes
and commuting calls.
This has been the case
since the 1980's.
But, for example, the animals' social sounds have
been ignored. This could be
males marking territories, or animals arguing in the air.
Social bat calls
first highlighted as late as 2014,
when Neil Middleton published his
book on this topic.
So far, Middleton is alone on
publishing such a book.
Neil Middleton has made
another step. He has
now included all sounds, except bats, in his new book. This is of course very
useful, since almost as often we come across sounds we cannot identify.
Amphibians, birds, grasshoppers and small rodents can all emit ultrasound on a
regular basis. Several of these sounds are species specific. In addition, a
number of mechanical sounds
may find its way to the detector.
All of this can cause confusion when we
try to identify our recorded sounds.
So the knowledge Middleton conveys in his latest book is absolutely useful to
any bat scientist.
The book is for anyone who works actively with bat sounds, and is strongly
recommended. It should be a permanent
of any library dealing with bats.
The book was published in January, and NIFF was sent a copy by the author
this week. NIFF has been mentioned several times, including from the Askim
workshop in 2018. More on this comes in the book review which will be included
in the next
issue of Fennoscandian Bats.
Saturday 8 February 2020
Bat trips
to see hibernating bats at Mønsted Limestone Mines
the late 1990s Mønsted started
guided tours to see hibernating bats
during February.
They offered people tours on both Saturday and Sunday during both winter holiday
weekends. These tours were very popular and 50-150
participated on
each tour.
However, winter is a vulnerable time for bats
since they are in hibernation.
significantly reduce the bats'
survival, and thus
such activity has generally
been taboo. Most
serious researchers have rejected
such activity. It was therefore controversial when Mønsted started with
guided tours during
winter. Although
only a limited part of the mines are
visited, and where
relatively few bats have been found, many
people have
been critical to this practice.
Mønsted opened
for winter tours, this inspired other
less serious companies to start guiding as well.
studies from both Mønsted
and Thingbæk show that, despite human winter visits, the number of
bats have
increased over the years.
limestone mines have two daily tours of the mines during the entire Danish
winter holidays.

Over 18.000 bats hibernate in the mines at Mønsted in Danmark. Foto: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Friday 31 January 2020
European Bat Detector Workshop to be organized in Finland 2020
The European Bat Detector Workshop was first organized in
the Netherlands during 1991. Since, this workshop has been organized in
connection to the European Bat Research Symposium (either just before, or
after). This year the 15th European Bat Research Symposium will be organized in
Turku during 3-7 August (check our meeting calender at
So it is the pleasure of
the Nordic Chiroptera Information Center (NIFF) to invite you to the 11th
European Bat Detector Workshop, which will be organized in Kausala, 133 km
east of Helsinki.
The five day (four night) workshop will include
peer-reviewed oral presentations, posters, workshops, and sessions for
exchanging experience in field practices.
The aim of the
workshop is to get field training in practical bat work, especially the use of
various models of both passive and active bat detectors. This will improve our
training and knowledge of the latest technology and experience on field
identification of flying bats. The mixture of novice and well experienced bat
workers (and everything between) enhances the learning process by self awareness
and development.
For more information check our web site

An Anabat passive detector with weather box. |
Friday 29 November 2019
New «handbook» include all the
bats in the world
Volume 9 of the Handbook of Mammals of the World is the latest issue
a book series containing
all the
in the world.
The latest
and last
volume addresses all the
so far
1,400 known
species on our planet.
Each species is covered with text, maps, illustrations
and references. According to Lynx publisher, the
information should be updated, but NIFF has information that a lot of key
knowledge might
not be
Still, the book is the most comprehensive work on our bats
NIFF has received a copy
to be
will appear
in the next issue of Gudnjoloddi and Fennsocandian Bats.
Thursday 31 October 2019
Bird species of the Eurasian steppes will reveal the origin of
the Party-colored Bat
The geographic origin
of the Party-colored Bat (Vespertilio discolor) has so far been unclear.
It has always been presumed that they originated from the steppe regions of
South-eastern Europe, north of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Furthermore,
it was presumed they foraged in grassland during summer, followed by mating
activity and hibernation in mountain areas containing cliffs.
A new literature study has as objective to review
bird species with similar ecological and habitat requirements as the
Parti-colored Bat. This study might shead some light to the mystery that has
followed this species since the 1800's.
The study is being carried out by Leif Gjerde
from NIFF.
31 July 2019
Wildlife Acoustics discontinues
the SongMeter 3
The USA based
manufacturer Wildlife Acoustics recently announced that from July 2019
their second generation of passive detectors, the SongMeter 3, will be out of
production. The SongMeter 3 was originally launched in May 2014 as a new
generation of the perfect detector. It was developed based on the experiences
from the SM2 detector. However, the SM3 was considerably more expensive and a
lot heavier. The size and weight made it impractical for field use. The SM3
lasted only five years.
Tuesday 25 June
Increase in
number of hibernating
bats in Swedish mines due to climate change?
1980 to 2017, hibernating
bats were montored
at three abandoned mines in
southern Sweden.
Taberg and Kleva mines each have around 1.5 km of accessible
passages. Here, a maximum of 517 (Taberg) and 132 (Kleva)
bats are recorded, divided
6 species.
Ädelfors is a small mine with only a maximum of 22 individuals.
The number has been constant for
the Daubenton Bats
and Brown
Longeared Bat.
In contrast,
Wiskered Bat,
Brandts' Bat
and Nathusius' Bat
have increased greatly in numbers.
shown a significant but weak decline.
The same
trend for the same species has also been demonstrated in continental Europe and
the British Isles. This indicates that there is a common
cause for the changes in species populations.
The authors
are bold enough to suggest that there are climate changes that
cause the changes, without any
evidence of this.
Jens Rydell, Johan Eklöf, Hans Fransson, and Sabine Lind. 2018. Long-Term
Increase in Hibernating Bats in Swedish Mines — Effect of Global Warming?
Acta Chiropterologica 20 (2), 421-426. ISSN

Daubentons Bat inside Romsåsen mines. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
5 May
6th International Berlin Bat
Meeting to be organized in March 2020
The Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research is organizing
the 6th International Berlin Bat Meeting during 23-25 March 2020.
With this conference, Christian C. Voigt and
Tanja Straka would like to foster an exchange of ideas related to «human
perspectives on bats». Registration will open early summer. For more information
and updates check their web page
Pictures from previous
meetings may be viewed

Christian C. Voigt during the meeting in 2015. Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
New bat detector: Titley
Scientific launches the Anabat Scout
two large manufacturers seem to go separate ways in regards to developing new
While the USA
based firm Wildlife Acoustics are discontinuing their production of active
detectors for field use, the Australian firm Titley Scientific have chosen to
launch yet another active detector for fieldwork. Three years ago they launched
«the Walkabout». And this November a new detector was
announced, ― the Anabat Scout.
The Anabat Scout is a simpler model
compared to the Walkabout, but also at a lower cost. It records in full
spectrum, and include heterodyne, auto-heterodyne and frequency division. A
built in GPS enables to use it for transects, since the recordings and GPS are
both time-stamped. An interesting feature is the inclusion of a bat counter.
Sounds of emerging and returning bats can be time stamped by two separate
buttons. This is a useful tool when counting emerging bats at colonies. Titley
Scientific have been creative when developing this detector, making them the
first manufacturer with this feature on a detector.